Volume 67, Page 244 View pdf image (33K) |
244 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/8. Liber N N for forbearance & all other his necessary charges in & about the same such as the Court shall think fitt to allow of, In testimony whereof I the said Sheriffe & the Jurors aforenamed to this Inqui sicon haue interchangably sett our hands & seales the day place & yeare first above written, Henry Darnall Sher Wm Howse Wm W K Keede Wm Turner Wm Howse Tho: T Tinsly Jno EB Biggs Andr A D Dickeson Tho: Edwards Daniel Goldson Jno H Leiche Joseph Tilley Sam' Goosey Jno King All sealed— On the backside of the aforegoing Inquisicon was thus written vizt Memorandum that quiet & peaceable possession of the within men- coned land Coxcomb was giuen & deliuered by Henry Darnall within named to Joseph Baker the Attorney of Capt Roger Baker within named by vertue of a writt from the Lord ProprY to him the said Henry Darnall directed & according to the forme of the Statute in that case made & provided To be held to him the said Roger Baker or his assignes according to the forme & effect of the within written Inquisicon, possession as before giuen this 28th day of Novembr 1677. Henry Darnall Sher Wittnes Wm Turner Andr HD Dickeson Which being read & heard Afterwards to witt the Eleventh day of April in the third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Balte more &c Annoq Doni 1678 itt is granted by the Court here, that p. 492 the said Roger Baker hold the said tract of land called Coxcomb con taining two hundred acres of his ffreehold to him & his assignes dureing the term of sixty yeares fully to be compleat & ended. To the Honble Governor & Councell of the Province of Maryland Sheweth The peticon of John Browne of Salem in New England That whereas there was a Condicon of Copartnershipp with account depending between me & my Sonn James Browne, the which account was delivered to me by my Sonn not long before his death, & therein made due upon Copartnership forty foure thousand eight hundred fifty seven pounds of tobacco & two thousand eight hundred sixty three pounds of dry hide And also delivered ashoare in ifarley Creek five hogsheads & six barrels of Sugar whereof (as I am in formed) three hogshcads were in the store when the Estate was seized by yor Officer, for all of which Goods as before expresst I doe intreat yor Honors to order me satisfaction as being but just and equitable, which shall be acknowledged with thankfullnes by your Peticonr And now may itt please yor Honors give me leave a little further to add, that haveing since the death of my Sonn James found proceedings in relation thereunto very hard, whereby his wife |
Volume 67, Page 244 View pdf image (33K) |
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