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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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                    242      Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/8.

             Liber N N  tobacco & caske And also shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said
                    Wm Donning & Compa their heyres Exrs Admrs or assignes att some
                    convenient place in Potomock River in the said Province on the tenth
                    day of Octobr which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand
                    six hundred seventy & six the full & just sume of five thousand
                    pounds of like tobacco & caske And also shall pay or cause to be void
                    unto the said Wm Donning & Compa their heyres Exrs Admrs or
                    assignes att some convenient place in Potomock River in the said
                p. 490  Province on the Tenth day of Octobr which shall be in the yeare of
                    our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy & seven the full & just
                    sume of five thousand pounds of like tobacco & caske, then this prsent
                    Obligacon to be void, otherwise to stand in force, which being read
                    & heard, the said Garret Van Sweringen prayeth liberty of speaking
                    hereunto untill next Provinciall Court, & itt is granted him, the
                    same day is given to both parties.
                      Now here att this day to witt the thirteenth day of April in the
                    third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
                    Doni 1678. cam[e] the said parties by their Attorneys aforesaid And
                    the said Garret saith, that as to twenty thousand pounds of tobacco
                    part of the aforesaid sume of forty thousand pounds of tobacco in the
                    declaracon menconed he cannot gainsay for that he oweth the same
                    to the plaintiffes Therefore itt is considered by the Court here that
                    the said Wm Donning & Compa recover agt the said Garret Van
                    Sweringen the aforesaid debt of twenty thousand pounds of tobacco
                    And also six hundred pounds of tobacco cost of suite.

                    Mr Robert Ridgely
                      I as Attorney of Wm Donning & Compa of Bristoll Wchants doe
                    desire you to acknowledge satisfaccon upon the Record of the
                    Judgemt by them obtained agt Garret VanSweringen for twenty
                    thousand pounds of tobacco upon a bond of fforty thousand pounds
                    of tobacco entred into by Richard Moy & the said Garret to the said
                    Donning & Compa for paymt of the said twenty thousand pounds of
                    tobacco And for yor so doeing this shall be yor sufficient warrant
                    Given under my hand & Seale this twenty fifth day of April 1678.
                    To Mr Robert Ridgely one of the   Tho: Jones (sealed)
                      Attorneys of the Provinciall Court
                         Sealed & deld in prsence of
                         Walter Hall Robt Carvile

                    Roger Baker Cornand was given to the Sheriffe of Calvert County,
                       agt that all the Goods and Chattels of Henry Cox besides
                  Henry Cox his Oxen & aifros of his Cart, & in like manner the
                             moiety of all his lands & tenemts in his bailywick of
                    which he was seized the twentieth day of Novembr Anno One thou
                    sand six hundred seventy five or att any tyme after was seized to

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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