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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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                    236      Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/8.

             Liber N N  of the land in question to the next Provinciall Court to be held att
                    St Maryes the ninth day of April next attested under his hand, that

                    so his Lordps Justices being fully informed of the truth of the
                    prmisses may doe therein what to Justice shall appertaine

                       In obedience to an order of this Court made the fourth day of
                    Octobr last past came Henry Bonner genti and delivered up to the
                    Court these bills and noates following, due & belonging to Edward
                    Erbery & Compa of Bristoll Mrchants vizt
                                                            lb tob
          The Honble Philip Calvert Esqr his bill for       2500.
          Col Wm Evans his bill for                         1988
          Mr Wm Rosewell his bill for                       2190
          Capt Jno Allen his bill for                       1268
          Mr Jno Stone his bill for                         0750
          Nathl Eaton his bill for                          1200
          ffrancis Kilborne his bill for                    474
          Richard Morris his bill for                       400
          Gethin Bowen his bill for                         1035
          Wm Barton hist float for                          0171
          James Bowling his bill for                        0400

                p. 485 And the said Henry Bonner requested an allowance & order of
                    this Court for his charges in comeing goeing & attendance three
                    Courts, & that itt might be paid to him out of the aforesaid bills
                    Whereupon this day to witt the fourteenth day of ffebruary in the
                    third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
                    Doni 1677. this Court thinks fitt & doe allow unto the said Henry
                    Bonner for his charges in comeing goeing & attendance here three
                    Courts about the prmisses twelve hundred pounds of tobacco, & doe
                    order the same to be paid as followes vizt Eight hundred pounds of
                    tobacco part thereof to be paid by the Honble Philip Calvert Esqr out
                    of his bill for two thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco And
                    foure hundred pounds of tobacco the remainder thereof to be paid
                    by James Bowling in discharge of his bill for the same quantity

                    ffebruary 22th 1677.
                    Jno Howell & Nathl Upon mocon made to this Court by
                    Howell Exrs Tho: Howell George Parker Attorney for George
                  agt  Wells, that the said George Wells was
                    Geo: Wellsnot served with the first scire facias
                    upon the Writt of Error, Ordered that
                    the plaintiffes pay unto the Defendt his costs & charges by him about
                    his defence therein laid out & expended And that the Errors be
                    heard next Court.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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