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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675. 91 hearing of the Condition of the said writeing Obligatory and it is Liber N N read unto him in these words vizt The Condition of this Obligation is such That if the abovebounden John Rawlings his heirs executrs admrs or assignes or any of them doe & Shall pay or cause to be paid to the within named John Quigley or to his certaine Attorny his heirs executrs & admrs or any of them the full and just Summe or quantity of One thousand One hundred pounds of like good Sound merchantable tobacco & caske for a valuable consideration received in hand to be paid to the Said John Quigley as aforesd at or before the tenth day of October next ensueing the date hereof in some con- venient place in Dorchester County neare the waterside then this Obligation to be void and of none effect or else to stand and remaine in full power Strenght force & virtue. Which being read and heard the said John Rawlings prayeth liberty of speakeing hereunto untill next Provinciall Court and the same day is given to both parties. Att which day to wit the eleventh day of ffebruary Anno Dom One thousand six hundred seventy five Came the said John Rawlings by his Attorny aforesaid but the said John Quigley came not to prosecute his plaint aforesaid therefore it is granted by the Court here that the said John Rawlings recover against the said John Quigley the summe of eight hundred fifty five pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in this behalfe laid Out & expended and the said John Quigley in mercy &c. John Moll agt this cause discontinued. Vincent Atcheson John Quigley agt Richard Moy John Quigley agt these three actions abate the defts being dead. Charles Delaroch Stephen Murty agt Samuel Cressey John Rider Memorandum that this present Court to wit the Six- agt tenth day of November in the 44th yeare of the Do- John Quigley minion of Caecilius &c Annou3 Doth One thousand Six hundred Seaventy five came here into Court John Rider of New Yorke merchant by Robert Ridgely his Attorny and bringeth here into Court his certaine bill against John Quigley Gent One of the Attornyes of this Court of a plea of trespas upon the Case. |
Volume 66, Page 91 View pdf image (33K) |
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