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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 477   View pdf image (33K)
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                   Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     477

          Thomas Hinton Coniãnd was given to the Sheriff of st Maries Liber N N
             agt County that he take Rebecca Leake if she should
          Rebecca Leake be found in his Bailiwick so as he had her body
                    here the Sevententh day of April 1677 to answer
         unto Thomas Hinton in a plea of trespas upon the case. Att which
         day the same Sheriff maketh returne of the writ aforesaid That
         the said Rebecca is not found in his Bailiwick. Whereupon the said
         Thomas by Keneim Cheseldyn his Attorny prayed an attachment
         against the estate of the Said Rebecca & it is granted unto him ac-
         cording to the Act of Assembly in such case made & provided.

         Mary Tilghman exx Richard the Sheriff of Calvert County haveing
           Tilghman         returned a Cepi in this case, & the
             agt            defendant not appeareing the case con-
         Henry Mitchell     tinued by the consent of Mathew
                            Warde Attorny for the plaintiff untill
                            next Court.

         Arthur Carleton admr of
           Thomas Carleton Unlesse the defendant appeare next Court
             agt          the Sheriff of Talbott County amerced.
         Richard Bayly

         John Addison & Rebecca his wife
           executrix of Thomas Dent
         John Irland admr of Margaret
          Penry.                the defendants by Kenelm Ches
         Stephen Luffe          eldyn their Attorny appeare &
             agt                imparle untill next Court.
         James Rumsey
         Wm Dare admr Jno Parker
         Humphry Jones         -

         Edward Tarleton Comand was given to the Sheriff of St Maries p. 299
            agt County that he take James Lewis if he should
         James Lewisbe found in his Bailiwick & him safe Keepe So
         that he have his body here the sevententh day
         of April 1677 to answer unto Edward Tarleton of a plea that he
         render unto him the Summe of sixteen hundred pounds of tobacco
         which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth Att which day the said
         Sheriff maketh returne of the writ aforesaid That the said James
         Lewis absconds & will not be taken as by the same writ he was
         cornanded Whereupon the said Edward by Robert Ridgely his At-
         torny prayed an attachment against the estate of the said James &
         it is granted unto him by the Court.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 477   View pdf image (33K)
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