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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 471   View pdf image (33K)
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                    Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     471

          And that afterwards Letters of administration of the said Hewitts Liber N N
          estate was committed to Edward English who summoned One of the
          Petitioners to appeare at the Provinciall Court to answer the prmisses
          & because wittnesses that can give any evidence concerning the said
          estate & wast live farr remote, did humbly request that the Comis-
          sioners of Baltemore County might be impowered to examine such
          wittnesses as can testifie any thing concerning the premisses & to
          audite Such accompts as the said English shall produce relateing
          thereunto & to make report thereof to the next Provinciall Court &
          that Major George Wells to whom Letters of Administration of the
          said Turpins estate is committed may be Ordered to pay to the said
          English So much as shall be proved the said Turpin in his life time
          hath wasted of the said Hewitts estate, so farr forth as the said
          Turpins estate will amount unto, Whereupon it is Ordered by the
          Court here this day to wit the three & twentith day of April in the
          Second yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
          Dom 1677 That the Comissioners of Baltemore County call before
          them & examine upon Oath all such wittnesse as can testifie any thing
          concerning the premisses On both sides & to make report of their
          proceedings herein at the next Provinciall Court to be held at
          St Maries the 19th of June next.

           Upon the Petition of Sarah Claw alias Younger That her hus-
          band Alexander Younger being possessed of a certaine tract of Land
          called Daley's Desire in right of the petitionr did sell & convey
          the same to Mr Charles Boteler & did partly through menaces &
          partly through faire perswasions gett the petitioner to joyne with
          him in the sale thereof, for a valuable consideration pretended to be
          paid & received whereas in truth there was not any consideration paid
          for the sale thereof & only intended to defraud the petitioner of her
          interest in & to the same, & shortly after the said Charles Boteler
          made a deed of Conveyance thereof unto the said Younger whereby
          he is in his owne right solely possessed thereof, & is departed this
          Province & left W Ladd his Attorny to whom he hath given power
          to dispose off the Said Land & also of a servant left with him which
          did belong to the estate of the Orphants of Wm Cole The premisses
          considered the Petitioner doth humbly begg that in consideration
          the said Younger is fled this Province & no consideration paid for
          the said Land & Servant that the said writeings may be cancelled &
          the Land & Servant remaine in whom in Equity it doth belong Which
          said Petition being read & the said Charles Boteler haveing informed
          the Court that there was no consideration for the said Land ever p.
          paid by him to the said Younger Whereupon this three & twentith
          day of April 1677 the Petition is granted by the Court according to
          the prayer & Ordered that the said Richard Ladd be summoned to
          appeare here next Court & that he bring with him the estate of the
          said Younger.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 471   View pdf image (33K)
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