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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 469   View pdf image (33K)
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                    Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     469

          Proprietary Memorandum that at a Provinciall Court held the eight Liber N N
            agt & twentith day of November in the first yeare of the
        James Ives j     Dominion of Charles Absolute Lord & Propry of the
                  Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Came here into Court
          Kenelm Cheseldyn Attorny Generall of the said Lord Propry who
          for the said Lord Propry in this behalf e prosenteth & giveth the
          Court here to understand & be informed That
            Whereas James Ives late of the County of Baltemore did the nine
          & twentith day of October in the foure & fortith yeare of the Domin-
          ion of Caecilius &c Annoq Doffi 1675 by his certaine writeing
          Obligatory Sealed with the seale of the said James here in Court
          produced whose date is the same day & yeare abovewritten acknowl-
          edge himselfe holden & firmly bound unto the right Honble the Lord
          Proprietary of the said Province the full & just quantity of One
          hundred thousand pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco in
          caske to be paid to the Said Lord Propry his heirs or assignes To
          the which payment well & truly to be made he did bind himself e his
          heirs executrs & admrs firmly by those prsents Notwithstanding which
          the said James the said summe of One hundred thousand pounds
          of tobacco according to the tenor of his said writeing Obligatory
          hath not paid though often thereunto required but the same to pay
          hath hitherto denyed & Still doth deny to the damage of the said Lord
          Propry two hundred thousand pounds of tobacco whereupon the
          said Kenelm who in this behalf e for the said Lord Propry prose-
          cuteth bringeth his information & prayeth that the said James Ives
          may come here into Court & answer in & upon the premisses.
            And the said James Ives by John Jones his Attorny doth come &
          defend the force & injury when &c & prayeth heareing of the writeing
          aforesaid & it is read unto him he prayeth also heareing of the Con-
          dition of the said writeing & it is read unto him in these words
          The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the abovebounden
          Samuel Boston doe and shall from time to time & at all times here-
          after dureing the terme of his Sheriffalty in the said County of
          Baltemore well & truly execute the Office of High Sheriff within
          the same County aswell in serveing all writts warrants processe &
          other precepts to him lawfully directed & Shall bee brought & deliv-
          ered to him as also performe all & eury Act & acts thing & things
          appertaineing or which Shall appertaine to the Said Office and also
          without voluntary concealment fraud or deceit doe yeild & make just
          accompt to his said Lopp his Lopps Leivt Generall his Officer or
          Officers in that behalfe authorized or appointed & of & for all & every
          such summe & summes of mony, rents revenues fines issues goods
          chattells tobacco profitts & perquisitts as shall come to his hands or
          as he ought justly to be charged withall for & in respect of the said
          Office & also for all such ffees as shall accrue due to the Secretary of
          this Province to be by him collected shall well & truly render just

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 469   View pdf image (33K)
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