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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 459   View pdf image (33K)
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                   Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     459

         not laden the full Summe of Eleaven pounds of law full mony of Liber N N
         England p Tunn accounting foure hogesheads to a tunn which Cove-
         nant the said Richard did per forme & pay, but Saith that falling
         Short of tobacco to compleate his freight before the returne of the
         said Shipp at the request of the said Wm Nichols being then master
         the said Richard Royston did permitt him the said Wm to lett five
         tunns freight of the said Shipp for six pounds Sterling p Tunn upon
         the accompt of the said Richard Royston which said six pounds
         p Tunn for five Tunns the said Wm Nichlas did then being in the
         month of May 1668 promise & assume upon himselfe & allow to
         satisfie & pay unto the said Richard Royston the summe of thirty
         pounds Sterling being Six pounds p Tunn as aforesaid for the said
         five Tunns Yet notwithstanding his promise & assumption so as
         aforesaid made to the said Richard Royston he hath & yet doth
         refuse to pay & Satisfie the same to the damage of the said Richard
         Royston Sixty pounds sterling & thereupon he bringeth his suite.
           And the said Wm by Robert Carvile his Attorny cometh & defend-
         eth the force & injury when &c & Saith he is no wayes guilty of the
         premisses above against him imposed & of this he putts himselfe
         upon the Country & the plaintiff likewise whereupon Comand is
         given to the Sheriff that he cause to come here twelve &c.
           Now here at this day to wit the six & twentith day of April 1677
         came the said partyes by their Attornyes & the jurors of that jury
         came also to wit Edward English Thomas Pink Marmaduke Semme
         Samuel Raspin Thomas Russell Ninian Beale Jno Darby Jno Barnes
         Jno Waghop Jno Hyland ffrancis Swinfen & James Rumsey who P. 287
         being impannelled SumOned & Sworne to say the truth in the prem-
         isses upon their Oathes doe Say Wee find for the defendant Where-
         upon it is granted by the Court here that the said William Nichias
         recover against the said Richard Royston the summe of Seaventeen
         hundred fifty five pounds of tobacco for his costs & charge in this
         behalfe expended & the said Richard in mercy for his false clamour.

         Robert Williams George Robins late of Talbot County Otherwise
             agt called George Robins of Talbott County in the
       George Robins Province of Maryland merchant was Sumöned to
                     answer unto Robert Williams of a plea that he
         render unto him the full & just summe of fourteene thousand One
         hundred forty Seaven pounds of good Sound merchantable leafe
         tobacco in caske which to him he oweth & unjustly doth deteine
           And whereupon the said Robert by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny
         Saith that whereas the aforesaid George Robins upon the twenty
         first day of July One thousand six hundred seventy five by his cer-
         tame writeing Obligatory sealed with the Seale of him the Said
         George & here in Court produced whose date is the day & yeare afore-
         said did bind himselfe his heirs executrs admrs or assignes to pay or

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 459   View pdf image (33K)
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