Volume 66, Page 410 View pdf image (33K) |
410 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. Liber N N given to the said Marmaduke. Afterwards to witt the seaven and twentith day of April Anno 1677 came the said Marmaduke by his said Attorny and offered himselfe against the said John in the plea aforesaid but the said John came not but made default Whereupon it is granted by the Court here that the said Marmaduke recover against the said John Ditchfeild aswell the summe of One thousand & fourteen pounds of tobacco damages occasioned by the trespas aforesaid as also the summe of five hundred thirty two pounds of tobacco costs of suite. Richard Bayly WmD these two causes continued untill next are Court by consent of the Attornyes for the Same plaintiff & defendant. ag the same admr Jno Parker Christopher Rousby & Elizabeth the Sheriff of Kent County being his wife exrx Richd Collett in misericordia for the defts non agt appearance this cause continued by Anthony Calloway consent of the plaintiff untill next Court. John Darnall Marmaduke Semme late of the County of agt Maries otherwise called Marmaduke Semme Marmaduke SemmeJ of st Maries County in the Province of Mary- land Inholder was sumöned to answer unto John Darnall in a plea that he render unto him two thousand pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth. And whereupon the said John by Robert Carvile his Attorny Saith that whereas the said Marmaduke the 28th day of August Anno Dom 1675 by his certaine writeing Obligatory Sealed with the seale of him the said Marmaduke & here in Court produced whose date is the same day & yeare abovewritten was bound & firmly indebted unto him the said John in the full and just summe of two thousand pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco in caske to be paid unto him the said John his heirs executors admrs or assignes in some con- venient place in Petuxent River at or upon the tenth day of October next ensueing the date thereof Notwithstanding which the said Marmaduke the aforesaid summe of two thousand pounds of tobacco to him the said John according to the tenor of his said writeing Obligatory hath not paid though often thereunto required but the same to pay hath altogether denyed & still doth deny whereupon he saith he is dampnified & hath losse to the value of foure thousand pounds of tobacco. And thereupon he bringeth his suite. And the said Marmaduke by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny corn- |
Volume 66, Page 410 View pdf image (33K) |
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