Volume 66, Page 407 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. 407 date is the day & yeare abovewritten acknowledge himselfe holden & Liber N N firmly bounden unto John Moll of the County of st Maries in this Province in the full quantity of foure thousand eight hundred pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco for a valuable consid- eration already received to be paid to the said John Moll or to his certaine Attorny his heirs executors admrs or assignes convenient in the County aforesaid upon all demands to the which payment well & truly to be made he did bind himself e his heirs executors & admrs firmly by those presents notwithstanding which the said Wm the Said Summe of foure thousand eight hundred pounds of tobacco according to the tenor of his Said writeing Obligatory hath not paid though often thereunto required but the same to pay hitherto hath & still doth deny to the damage of the said John Eight thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon he bringeth his suite And the Said Wm by Mathew Warde his Attorny cometh & de- fendeth the force and injury &c & prayeth liberty of speakeing here- unto untill the next Court & it is granted him the same day is given to the said John. Now here at this day to witt the seaven & twentith day of April in the second yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dom 1677 Came the Said John Moll by his Attorny afore- said & Offered himselfe against the said Wm in the plea aforesaid but the said Wm Came not but made default whereupon it is granted by the Court here that the Said John recover against the said Wm aswell the summe of foure thousand eight hundred pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid as also the Summe of five hundred forty foure pounds of tobacco costs of suite and the Said Wm in mercy. Roger Baker Ordered that this cause come to tryall next Court ag or else judgment by default. Thomas Gant. Zachary Mahugh agt James Ringold these two actions abate the plaintiffs being Roger Thorpe dead. ag Edward Inglish admr Jno Allen wm Coleborne John Waghob late of st Maries County Planter was agt attached to answer unto Wm Coleborne of a plea of John Waghop trespas upon the case. And whereupon the said William Coleborne by Robert Ridgely his Attorny complaineth that whereas the said Wm the first day of March 1673 at the Speciall instance & request of the said John Sold & delivered to the said John One hundred & ninty |
Volume 66, Page 407 View pdf image (33K) |
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