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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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                   Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     355

         yeare of our Lord 1676 Came the parties aforesaid by their At- Liber N N
         tornyes & the Said Cornelius saith the plaintiff aforesaid his action
         aforesaid ought not to have for that at a Calvert County Court
         held at Calverton in Petuxent the seavententh day of November
         1674 before his Lopps justices thereunto appointed the said John
         Ashcomb by Charles Boteler his Attorny did Sue the said Cornelius
         Watkinson for the very same matter in the said plaintiffs now
         declaration complained off which cause came to issue & both partyes
         putt themselves upon the Country & a jury empannelled and swore
         did upon full evidence bring in a verdict for the defendant & the
         plaintiff being called would not appeare to the verdict whereupon
         a nonsuite was Ordered with costs as by a coppy of the Records of
         the said County Court may appeare. whereupon the said Cornelius
         demands judgment whether after a verdict and nonsuite upon full
         evidence in the County Court the plaintiff shall be admitted to have
         his action in this Court and of this he putts himselfe upon the judg-
         ment of this Court.—and the plaintiff also. Whereupon it is con-
         sidered by the Court that a nonsuite be awarded against the plaintiff
         and that the said Cornelius Watkinson recover against the said John
         Ashcomb the summe of Seaven hundred fifty three pounds of tobacco
         costs of Suite & the said John in mercy for his false claime.

        Charles Ashcomb  Cornelius Watkinson and Jane his wife late
             agt of Calvert County were attached to answer
         Cornelius Watkinson & unto Charles Ashcomb in a plea of trespas
           Jane his wife upon the Case.
                          And the said Cornelius & Jane by Robert
         Carvile their Attorny comes & defends the force and injury when
         &c and prayeth liberty to imparle hereunto untill next Court and
         it is granted them the same day is given to the said Charles.
           Now here at this day to witt the Seventh day of December in the
         second yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
         Doth 1676 Came the said Cornelius and Jane by their Attorny afore-
         said but the said Charles came not to prosecute the plaint aforesaid
         Whereupon it is considered by the Court here that the said Cornelius
         recover against the said Charles Ashcomb the summe of Seven hun-
         dred & One pounds of tobacco costs of Suite & the said Charles in
         mercy. &c.

         John Jordaine John Tant late of st Maries County was attached to
           agt answer unto John Jordaine of a plea of trespas upon
         John Tant the case.
                    And whereupon the said John Jordaine by Robert
         Carvile his Attorny Saith that whereas in the month of April Anno
         Doth 1675 six negroes of him the said John Jordaine did runn
         away in Company with two negroes belonging to the Said John Tant

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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