Volume 66, Page 353 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. 353 of tobacco costs of Suite, but So as execution Stay untill debts of a Liber N N higher nature be first Satisfied and paid. Jacob Leistler Elizabeth Delaroch late of st Maries County p. 216 agt executrix of the last will & Testaments of Elizabeth Delaroch exx Charles Delaroch deceased was Sumöned to Charles Delaroch answer unto Jacob Leister of a plea that she render unto him the summe of sixty two pounds of tobacco which from him she unjustly deteineth And whereupon the said Jacob by Robert Carvile his Attorny saith that whereas the said Charles Delaroch upon the five and twen- tith day of ffebruary in the yeare of Our Lord 1674 by his certaine bond or writeing Obligatory Sealed with the seale of him the said Charles & here in Court produced whose date is the day and yeare abovesaid did confesse & acknowledge himselfe to Owe and Stand justly indebted unto the said Jacob Leisler in the full & just Summe of Sixty two thousand pounds of good Sound merchantable tobacco in caske to be paid to the said Jacob Leisler his heirs executrs admts or assignes at some convenient place in St Maries County upon all demand after the tenth of October next following the date thereof Yet notwithstanding the Said Charles in his life time nor the said Elizabeth Since his death though often thereunto required the said summe of sixty two thousand pounds of tobacco to him the said Jacob have not rendred or paid but the same to pay have hitherto denyed & refused & Still doe deny & refuse to the damage of the said Jacob eighty thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bring- eth his Suite. And the said Elizabeth by Kenelm Cheseldyn her Attorny cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth heareing of the writeing Obligatory aforesaid & it is read unto her she also prayeth the heareing of the Condition of the said writeing Obligatory & it is read unto her in these words The Condition of this present Obligation is such that if the abovebounden Charles Delaroch his executrs or assignes shall well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto the abovenamed Jacob Leisler his heirs assignes or Order the summe of thirty One thousand pounds of Sound merchantable tobacco in caske, twenty foure thousand pounds of it is to be paid Out of the publique pay which is now present due en de rest being Seaven thou- sand pounds in manner as is above exprest which said summe of tobacco is for a consideration in hand already by me received Then this prsent Obligation to be void & of none effect or else to remaine & be in full force effect & virtue Sealed with my seale the 25th of ffebruary Annoq Dom 1674/5. which being read & heard the said Elizabeth by Kenelm Cheseldyn her Attorny cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and saith that the conditions of the aforesaid Obligations are well and truly observed & paid and of this |
Volume 66, Page 353 View pdf image (33K) |
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