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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 129   View pdf image (33K)
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                 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675.     129

       Thousand five hundred pounds of Tobacco to him in hand paid by Liber N N
       the said Giles the Receipt whereof the said Raymond doth hereby
       Acknowledge & thereof & of every part & parcell thereof doth hereby
       Absolutely & cleerly Exonerate Acquitt & discharge the said Giles
       Blizard his heyres Execrs Admistrs & Assignes by these prsents Hath
       Given Granted Bargained Aliened Sold Enfeoffed & Confirmed And
       doe by these prsents Give Grant Bargaine Alien Sell Enfeoffe &
       Confirme unto him the said Giles Blizard his heyres & Assignes for
       ever All that parcell of land called Reserve lying on the East side
       of Chesepiake Bay below Robsons Creeke Begining att a marked
       white Oake upon a point & runing for breadth North East upp the
       Bay fifty perches to a marked Pine standing on the East by a line
       drawne South South East for length three hundred & Twenty
       perches, on the South by a line drawne South West from the end
       of the South South East line for breadth fifty perches on the West
       by a line drawne North North West from the end of the South West
       line three hundred & Twenty perches unto the first marked Oake
       upon the Point, on the North by the Bay Conteyning & laid out
       for One hundred acres more or lesse Together with all the Right &
       bénifitts thereunto belonging And also all Patents Deeds Writings &
       Evidences touching or concerning the same To have & to hold the
       said parcell of land & all & singuler the said Bargained prmisses unto
       him the said Giles Blizard his heyres & Assignes for ever To the only
       proper use & behoofe of him the said Giles Blizard his heyres &
       Assignes for ever And the said Raymond Stapelfort for himself e his
       heyres Execrs & Assignes doth hereby Covenant & Grant to & with
       the said Gilcs Blizard his heyres & Assignes, that he the said Ray-
       mond Stapelfort his heyres Execrs & Admistrs the said parcell of
       land & all other the Bargained prmises unto him the said Giles Blizard
       his heyres & Assignes against all manner of persons whatsover shall
       & will for ever hereafter Warrant & defend by these prsents The
       Rents & Services hereafter to become due to the Lord Proprietry for
       the same allwayes Excepted & forprized And further he the said
       Raymond Stapelfort his heyres Assignes shall & will from tyme to
       tyme & att all tymes hereafter dureing the space of Seaven yeares
       att the requests & att the proper Costs & Charges in the Law of him
       the said Giles Blizard his heyres & Assignes make doe Execute &
       Suffer or cause to be made done Executed or Suffered all & every
       such further & other Act or Acts thing or things Device or Devices
       Assureance or Assureances whatsoever requisite in the prmises for
       the better Assureing & more sure makeing of the said Bargained
       prmises unto him the said Giles Blizard his heyres & Assignes for
       ever Be itt by Inrollmt of these prsents ffine ffeofmt or otherwise p. 81
       or by any other law full wayes or meanes whatsoever as by him the
       said Giles Blizard his heyres or Assignes or his or their Councell
       learned in the Law shall be reasonably Devised Advised or required

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 129   View pdf image (33K)
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