Volume 65, Page 460 View pdf image (33K) |
460 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1674/5. Liber M M that the said Ralph Dawson recover against the said James Clayland aswell the summe of three thousand foure hundred pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid as also the sume of five hundred fifty Six pounds of tobacco costs of Suite Proprietary agt discontinued Luke Barbierj Thomas Carleton agt this action abates the plaintiff being dead. John Hall & at J Robert Carvile 1 agt agreed. ffrancis Kilborne p. 453 John Waterton John Desjardens late of Baltemore County other agt wise called John Desjardens of the County of Bal John Desjardensj temore in the Province of Maryland Gent was Sumöned to answer unto John Waterton in. a plea that he render unto him the summe of twenty two pounds law full mony of England which to him he oweth and unjustly deteineth. And whereupon the said John Waterton by Keneim Cheseldyn his Attorny Saith that whereas the said John Desjardens the sixtenth day of June in the yeare of Our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy three did by his certaine writeing Obligatory Sealed with the seale of the said John Desjardins here in Court produced whose date is the same day and yeare abovewritten hold himself e firmly bound and indebted to the said John Waterton in the full and just sume of two and twenty pounds of good and lawfull mony of England to be paid unto the said John Waterton or to his certaine Attorny executrs admrs or assignes at or upon all demands after the date of those presents to which payment well & truly to be paid and performed he did bind himselfe his heirs executors admrs and assignes firmly by those presents Notwithstanding which the Said John Desjardens the said summe of twenty two pounds law full mony of England according to the tenor of his said writeing Obligatory hath not paid though often thereunto required but the same to pay hitherto hath denyed and yet doth deny to the damage of the said John Waterton the summe of eight thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon he bringeth his suite. And the said John Desjardens by Robert Carvile his Attorny doth come and defend the force and injury when &c and prays heareing of the writeing aforesaid and it is read unto him he pray eth also heareing of the Condition of the said writeing and it is read unto him in these words Vizt. The Condition of this Obligation is |
Volume 65, Page 460 View pdf image (33K) |
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