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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675
Volume 65, Page 152   View pdf image (33K)
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           152 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1673.

         Liber M M   pcell of land comonly called or Knowne by the name of Wells hills
                 lyeing and being in Ann Arundell County aforesayd in the branches
                 of fishing Creeke beginning at a marked Oake standing upon a hill
                 the said Oake being a Corner Tree of the land of Anthony Salloway
                 and Running south by the said Sallowayes line Eighty perches to a
                 marked Poplar being a forked Tree then by a line drawne west thirty
                 pches to a marked Chestnut Tree then by a line Drawne North from
                 the said Chestnut for the length of three hundred and Twenty pches
                 to a marked Red Oake bounding on the North with a line Drawne
                 Easte two hundred and ninety pches to a marked Chestnut Tree
                 standing in the line of the land aforesayd called little Wells bounding
                 Easte and south with the land of Anthony Salloway to the first
                 marked Oake Conteining by Estimation foure hundred and Twenty
                 acres more or lesse with the appurtenances to have and to occupy to
                 him & his assignes from the feaste of the Annunciacoñ of the blessed
                 Virgin Mary then last past untill the full end & Terme of five yeares
                 to be Compleate and Ended by vertu of which said Demise the affore
                 sayd ffrancis Holland into the said Seuerall pcells of land with the
                 appurtenances did Enter and was thereof possessed, and he the said
                 ffrancis being so possessed thereof, the aforesayd Henry Beedle and
                 Sophia his wife afterwards to wit the Twelveth day of November in
                 the forty first yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c by force and
                 Armes the said Seurall pcells of land with the appurtenances wch the
                 aforesayd George Wells to him the said ffrancis Holland in forme
                 aforesayd Demised for the Terme aforesayd wch is not yet paste did
                 Enter and him from the said pcell of land with the apptnces did
                 Eject and other harmes to him did doe to the greate damage of him
                 the said ffrancis and against the peace &c whereupon he saith he is
             p. 90   Damnifyed and hath losse to the vallue of three hundred pounds
                 sterling and thereupon he bringeth his suite.
                  And they the said Henry and Sophia by John Morecroft their
                 Attorney come & Defend the force and injury when &c and they
                 the said Henry and Sophia say that they are in no wise guilty of
                 the trespas and Ejectmt as the said ffrancis above there hath De
                 clared and of this they put themselves upon the Country and the
                 said ffrancis likewise.
                  Therefore Comaund is given to the Sheriff of St Maryes County
                 that he cause to come before the Justices of the Provincial Cort at
                 the Citty of St Maryes on the Eleaventh day of November next
                 being the first day of the same Cort Twelve &c by whom &c who
                 neither &c because aswell &c to Recognize &c and the same day is
                 given to both ptyes. At wch said Eleaventh day of November the
                 Provincial Court aforesayd was by the writ of Adjournmt of the
                 said Lord Proprietary adjourned untill the next day being the
                 Twelveth day of the same November.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675
Volume 65, Page 152   View pdf image (33K)
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