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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675
Volume 65, Page 147   View pdf image (33K)
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            Provincial Court Proceedings, 1673.  147

       Tobyas Miles Thomas ffrancis Justinian Tennison Richard Bayley Liber M M
       Joseph Brough Hugh Nash Thomas Marsh Robert Burle Joshua
       Doyne Richard Smith and Thomas Hawkins being elected tryed
       sworne to try the issue Joyned betweene the said Henry Beedle &
       Sophia his wife plts. and the said George Wells Defendt, and the
       said plt offering to this Cort and Jury as Evidence a bill of Lading
       under the hand of John Dunch Comandr of the ship Baltamore
       of London bearing date the Twentieth day of August One Thow
       sand six hundred sixty Eight for thirty seaven pcells of g[oods]
       shipped on the said ship Baltamore by Richard Wells for account
       of himself and the said George Wells, and Consigned to the said p. 85
       Richard and George, as also one Receipt undr the hand of the said
       John Dunch bearing date the Two & twentieth of August 1668. for
       Seaven Servants therein mentioned shipped also by the said Richd
       for account of himself, and Consigned to the said George, as by the
       said writings Relacofl being thereunto had more fully it doth & may
       appeare. and the Coat and Jury having fully heard both ptyes. the
       said Jurors upon their oathes doe say that they finde that the deft
       ought to accompt for the goods specefyed in the bill of Loding, and
       the seavants unto the plts wherefore it is considered by the Cort that
       the said George Wells, doe Render unto the said Henry Beedle and
       Sophia his wife Executrix of the last will & Testament of the said
       Richard his Reasonable account for the time he was Receiver of the
       goods and Tobacco of him the said Richard in the life time of the
       said Richard of what Cause soever and Contract to the ComOn proffit
       of the said Richard and George pvenient And it is further considered
       of by the Court, and they Doe hereby appointe authorise & Empower
       Nathaniel Heathcot & Robert ifranklyn both of Ann Arundell County
       gent. to be auditors to audite state and Examine the account of the
       said George which to the said Henry and Sophia to render he ought
       as aforesayd and the said Auditors are by the said Cort Ordered and
       Comaunded to meet at the house of John Larkin scituate in the said
       County of Ann Arundell on the fifteenth day of December next to
       audite the accounts aforesayd and so there to meete from day to day
       untill they shall have fully audited stated and Examined the accounts
       aforesayd, and that the said George Wells doe then and there attend
       the said Auditors in ordr to Rendring his acct as aforesd and so doe
       attend them from day to Day as the said Auditors shall appointe untill
       the said auditors shall have fully stated the said account. And the said
       auditors are further hereby Empowered for the better understanding
       of the prmises to administer oath or oathes to any witness or witnesses
       that shalbe pduced before them by Either of the said ptyes, And the
       said accompt when so audited adjusted stated & Examined that they
       Retorne unto the next Provincial Cort to be held at the Citty of
       St Maryes the Tenth day of ffebruary next, to his Lopps Justices there
       under their hands and seales that so his Lopps Justices being fully

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675
Volume 65, Page 147   View pdf image (33K)
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