Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Nov. 24
a Son and Heir at Law without having executed any Deed of Con-
veyance for the said Lot, or taking any Notice thereof in his last
Will: And therefore praying an Act may pass to confirm his Title
in the said Lot. And a Petition of Charles Ridgely and others,
praying an Act may pass to impower them to sell and dispose of a
Furnace and Works, together with sundry Lands belonging thereto,
for the Benefit of the Estate of Caleb Dorsey; late of Anne-Arundel
County, deceased, severally indorsed; "By the Upper House of As-
sembly, November 24, 1773: Read and referred to the Considera-
tion of the Lower House of Assembly.
"Signed by Order, U. SCOTT, Cl. Up. Ho."
Which were severally read here the first Time and ordered to lie on
the Table.
The House adjourns till To-morrow Morning 9 o'Clock.
Nov. 25
THURSDAY, November 25, 1773.
THE House met. All Members present as on Yesterday. The
Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
A Bill, entitled, An Act to enable Edward Smoot, surviving Exec-
utor of Boles Tyer Balthrop, to convey the Land therein mentioned;
And a Bill, entitled, An Act to enable Martha Roundell and others
to make Partition of the Land therein mentioned; were severally read
the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table.
The Petition of Charles Ridgely and others was read a Second
Time. ORDERED, That the same be referred to the Consideration
of a Committee, and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and
report the same as it shall appear to them to the House, and Mr.
J. Hall, Mr. Deye, Mr. Chase, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Tolly, are
appointed a Committee accordingly, and they have Power to send
for Persons, Papers, and Records.
Upon Complaint made by the Serjeant at Arms and the Clerk of
this House, that John Frederick Augustus Priggs, had not paid
them their Fees and Allowances, taxed by the late Lower House of
Assembly, and for a Contempt in Non payment, whereof he had
p. 50
been committed to the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms. It is or-
dered, that he immediately pay the same to the said Serjeant and
Clerk, and that he be served with a Copy of this Order.
The House adjourns till 3 o'Clock
The House met.
Mr. Sim brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker the following