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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 92   View pdf image (33K)
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92 Assembly Proceedings, November 16-December 22, 1773.

Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Nov. 23

But your Committee beg Leave to observe that the Sheriff of
Frederick County hath not returned the Writ of Election annexed
to the said Indenture. All which is submitted to the Consideration
of the Honourable House.
Signed by Order, JOHN COURTS JONES, Cl. Com.

Which was read.
The House adjourns till 3 o 'Clock.

The House met.
Mr. Weems brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill, entitled,
A Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act for the building of a
Parish Church in Christ Church Parish, in Calvert County. Which
was read the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table.
George Plater, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of George Frazier Hawkins, surviving: Executor
of the last Will and Testament of John Stone Hawkins, late of
Prince-George's County, deceased; setting forth that the said John
Stone Hawkins died considerably indebted by Specialties and other-
ways. That the said John Stone Hawkins left Issue at the Time
of his Death only Two Infant Daughters; to the eldest of whom
he devised all his Lands (except a few which he directed to be sold
for the Payment of his Debts) for Life; and in Case she should die
without Issue lawfully begotten of her Body, to the Petitioner in
Fee. That the Petitioner administered on the personal Estate of
the Testator, and sold the Land devised for the Payment of the
Testator's Debts, and administered, and applied the Money arising
from the Sales thereof towards the Payment thereof. That the
Petitioner being exceedingly pressed by the Creditors of the said
Estate, and being willing and desirous to pay his Testator's just
Debts, paid and advanced to the Creditors of the Testator (out of
his own private Pocket) the Sum of 1466: 19: 7 Maryland Currency
over and above all the Assets in his Hands belonging to the Estate
of the said Testator: And therefore praying an Act may pass im-
powering him to sell the following Tracts or Parcels of Land lying
in Prince-George's, County, vis. Something, containing 49 Acres;
Merry Thought, containing 40 Acres; God's Gift, containing 117
Acres; Part of Never Fear, containing 15 Acres; Part of Hazard,
containing 1 Acre; Part of Hawkins's Lot, containing 184 Acres:
Also, Part of a Tract or Parcel of Land lying in Frederick County,
called John and Priscilla, containing 62 1/2 Acres; and apply the
Money arising from the Sales thereof towards reimbursing the
Petitioner what he hath advanced; and the Residue, if any, towards
paying the Creditors of the Deceased their Claims; thus indorsed;

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 92   View pdf image (33K)
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