By the LOWER HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, November 17, 1773.
May it please your HONOURS,
THIS House hath appointed Messrs. Beall, T. Wright, Bond,
Sudler, Parran, Hawkins, and Gilpin, to join one or more of
the Members of your House as a Committee to inspect the Office
and Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting Bills of Credit.
Signed by Order, JOHN DUCKETT, Cl. Lo. Ho.
Were sent to the Upper House by Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Sudler.
Benjamin Ogle, Esq; from the Upper House delivers to Mr.
Speaker the following Message.
By the UPPER HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, November 17, 1773.
THIS House hath appointed Benedict Calvert and Daniel of Saint
Thomas Jenifer, Esquires, to join the Members named by your
House, in a Committee to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the
Commissioners for emitting Bills of Credit.
Signed by Order, U. SCOTT, Cl. Up. Ho.
The House being informed, that Mr. Jacob Funk, a Delegate re-
turned for Frederick County to serve in this present General As-
sembly was attending; ORDERED, That Mr. Griffith and Mr. Wootton
do go with that Gentleman to the Upper House to see him qualified.
They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker they saw him qualified in the
usual Manner. The Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
Philip Thomas Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of sundry Inhabitants of Saint Mary's, Calvert,
Charles, and Prince-George's Counties, praying that an Act may
pass for the Sale of the present Free Schools, together with their
Lands in those Four Counties, and the Monies arising from the
Sales thereof, with the Arrears now due to the said Schools, as also
what may hereafter become due from the public Treasurers, may be
appropriated to erect and endow one large School or Seminary of
Learning to be called at the Place called Cool
Springs, in Saint Mary's County.
Mr. J. Hall brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill, entitled,
An Act for the Regulation of the Staple of Tobacco, and for pre-
venting Frauds in his Majesty's Customs.
The House adjourns till 3 o'Clock.
The House met.
Mr. Ridgely and Mr. Contee appeared in the House.
The Bill, entitled, An Act for the Regulation of the Staple of
Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, was
Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Nov. 17