The Lower House attend and by their Speaker present to His
Excellency the following Bills Vizt
A Bill entitled An Act for the more effectual Preservation of the
"Breed of Wild Deer."
A Bill entitled "An Act for the Repair of the Paper Currency
A Bill entitled "An Act for Emitting Bills of Credit and applying
part thereof."
A Bill entitled "An Act for the Relief of Samuel Dorsey of Ann
Arundel County."
A Bill entitled An Act for the support of the Clergy of the Church
of England within this Province."
A Bill entitled An Act for raising and applying Money towards
erecting and maintaining a Light House on Cape Henry."
A Bill entitled "An Act for the Relief of the Poor within the
County of Baltimore."
A Bill entitled "An Act for the further Continuance of an Act
entitled "An Act for the Regulation of the Staple of Tobacco and
for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs."
A Bill entitled "An Act to enable the Undertaker for building the
Stadt House to cover the same with Copper." and
A Bill entitled "An Act for the Payment of the Publick Creditors."
All which His Excellency passed into Laws in the usual form by
Sealing them with the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his
Great Seal at Arms and Subscribing them On behalf of the Right