to enable the Undertaker for Building the Stadt House to cover the
same with Copper." Read the first and second Time in the Lower
House and will Pass, which was Read the first and second Time
by an especial Order in this House and will pass, so Endorsed
and sent to the Lower House by Philip Thomas Lee Esquire.
The following Message is sent to the Lower House by Benjamin
Ogle Esquire.
By the Upper House of Assembly 22.d December 1773
Being Apprehensive on a view of the Journal of Accounts that
some Omissions have been made we will if agreeable to you impower
two or three Members to point out such Omissions to any Gentle-
men of your House that you shall Name in order that the Journal
may be corrected and a Bill framed for payment of the Publick Debt
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
Mess:rs Chamberlaine Sim and Earle bring up the following
By the Lower House of Assembly 22.d December 1773
May it please your Honours.
This House hath appointed Mess:rs Chamberlaine Sim and Earle
to whom such Omissions as may have been made in the Journal of
Accounts may be pointed out and by them communicated to this
Signed by Order Jno Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.
Adjourned until Three of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning. Sim and Thomas bring up an Engrossed Bill entitled
"An Act to enable the Undertaker for Building the Stadt House to