Read the second Time in this House the Bill entitled "An Act for
the Support of the Clergy of the Church of England in this Prov-
ince." and will Pass, so Endorsed and sent to the Lower House by
Benjamin Ogle Esquire.
On Motion Leave is given to bring in a Bill entitled "An Act
for the further Continuance of an Act entitled An Act for the Regu-
lation of the Staple of Tobacco and for preventing Frauds in his
Majesty's Customs." which being brought in immediately was
Read the first and second Time by an Especial Order in this House
and will Pass so Endorsed and sent to the Lower House by George
Steuart Esquire.
Adjourned until three of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning.
Mess:rs Chase and Lloyd bring up the Bill entitled "An Act for the
further Continuance of an Act entitled An Act for the Regulation
of the Staple of Tobacco and for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's
Customs." thus Endorsed Vizt "By the Lower House of Assembly
December 1773 Read the first and second Time by an especial
Order and will Pass with the following Amendment Vizt Strike
out the Words from the word "during" in the last line to the end
of the Bill and insert the following words Vizt "the Term of
Fourteen Years from the sixteenth day of November 1773 and
until the end of the next Session of Assembly which shall happen
after the expiration of the said Fourteen Years." Signed by Order
Jno Duckett Cl. lo. ho which said Bill was Read with the Amend-
ment proposed by the Lower House, and sent together with the fol-
lowing Message by Philip Thomas Lee Esquire.
By the Upper House of Assembly December 1773
We think it would not be proper to give a Continuance to the
Bill herewith sent beyond the Time mentioned therein and hope you
will agree to that Continuance or return it with a Negative
Signed by Order. U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.