Mess:rs White and Parran bring up a Bill entitled An Act for the
more effectual Preservation of the Breed of Wild Deer." Read the
first and second Time in the Lower House and will Pass.
Adjourned until three of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning.
Mess:rs Veazey and Somerville bring up the following Engrossed
Bills Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly Vizt
A Bill entitled "An Act for an Addition to Baltimore Town in
Baltimore County."
A Bill entitled "An Act to regulate the Criminal Business of
Baltimore County."
A Bill entitled "An Act for the speedy and effectual Publication
of the Laws of this Province and for the Encouragement of Anne
Catharine Green of the City of Annapolis Printer," and
A Bill entitled "An Act to establish a Market in Baltimore Town
in Baltimore County." These Engrossed Bills were Read and As-
sented to by this House and Ordered to be so Subscribed — the Paper
Bills so Endorsed were sent to the Lower House by John Ridout
Benedict Calvert and Philip Thomas Lee Esquires are sent to
acquaint the Members of the Lower House that his Excellency re-
quires their attendance in the Upper House immediately to see the
Bills passed this Session receive the Assent
The Lower House attend and by their Speaker present to His
Excellency the following Bills Vizt
A Bill entitled "An Act for the Division of Dorchester and
Queen Ann's Counties and for erecting a new one by the Name of
A Bill entitled "An Act to render the Recovery of the Penalty
for Selling Liquors without Licence more certain."