entitled An Act for the Building of a Parish Church in Christ Church
Parish in Calvert County made at a Session of Assembly begun and
held at the City of Annapolis on Wednesday the second day of Oc-
tober seventeen hundred and seventy one it was enacted that the
Vestrymen and Church wardens of the said Parish or the Major
part of them should and they were thereby required by the fifth day
of the then next November Court to Certify to the Justices of Calvert
County aforesaid the Quantity of Tobacco that was requisite and
necessary for finishing and compleating the said Parish Church and
that the said Justices should not assess on the Taxable Inhabitants
of the said Parish a greater Quantity of Tobacco than should be
so Certified with the Sheriffs Salary of five per Cent for collecting
the same." Insert after the word "Tobacco" in the tenth line from
the Top of the first Page the following words Vizt "and that the
said recited Supplementary Act had not been carried into Execu-
tion." — So Endorsed and sent to the Lower House by John
Ridout Esq.
Read the Bill entitled "An Act for the Amendment of the Law"
together with the Amendment thereto proposed by the Lower House
and passed the same for Engrossing.
Adjourned until three of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Read the second Time in this House the Bill entitled "An Act
for the Division of Dorchester and Queen Annes Counties and for
erecting a New One by the Name of Caroline," and will Pass. — So
endorsed and sent to the Lower House by Philip Thomas Lee Esq.r