Melvills Warehouse, Dorches-
ter and Caroline Counties,
xxxii, 152, 159, 210.
Merchant, J. Henry, of Rhode
Island, 425.
"Merry Thought," Prince
George's County, 92, 196.
Merryman, Nicholas, road su-
pervisor, 396.
lifiltmrn, StepKen, \Vare1nouBe
of, 151, 158.
"The Mill Frog" [Anne Arundel
County], 214.
Miller, Francis, 280.
Philip, 280, 401.
William, 280, 401.
Misspelling in election return,
Mitchell, Hugh, of Charles
County, 93-94-
Moale, John, Baltimore Town
Commissioner, 207 ; Trus-
tee of the poor of Baltimore
County, 261.
Moale, John, and Stigar, An-
drew, Petition of, for addi-
tion to Baltimore Town,
Moidore, Value of, 181.
Montgomery, Alexander, 401.
[Rev.] John, 120.
Moore, John, of Baltimore
County, 9.
William, 280, 401.
Morris, Marv. 280.
Mosse, Rev. John, 371.
Motions in Lower House, Name
of maker of, Insertion of,
Murray, James, Dorchester
County, Mill of, 209.
Nanjemoy Warehouse, Charles
County. 152, 158.
Nanticoke Indians, Petition of,
Rejection of, 8.
Napple, Christian, 280, 401.
Naturalized Protestants, Act to
vest rights of natural sub-
ject in, 22, 434.
Naval officers, xiii, 166, 168, 173,
186, 258, 364.
Negroes imported into this prov-
ince, Act to impose further
additional duty [of £5] on,
59, 62-63, no, 114, 116, 127-
Negroes imported into this prov-
ince, Act to impose a further
duty on, Act to continue, 02,
69, 72, gi, 126, 127, 139, 143,
217-218 (text).
Negroes, Murder by, 142.
Neill, [Rev.l Hugh, 120.
Nelson, William, 142.
Neptune (vessel), 437.
"Never Fear," Prince George's
County, 92, 196.
New Castle, Kent and Sussex
Counties, see Delaware ;
Rodney, Caesar.
New Hampshire, Committee of
correspondence and enquiry
of, 426-427.
Speaker of, Letter from, 315.
New Port Town Warehouse,
Worcester County, 153, 160,
New York, House of Represen-
tatives of, Letter and reso-
lutions from, 329-330, 424.
Nicholas, Robert Carter, of
Virginia, 423, 430.
Nichols (Nicholes), Banjamin,
284, 402.
Nicholson, [Capt.] Geo 1,437.
Nicholas, 280, 402.
Nilson, Robert, 137.
Noke, William, sheriff of Anne
Arundel County, 52, 101.
Nottingham Warehouse, Prince
George's County, 152, 160.
Oath, For members of the
Lower House, Proposal of,
296, 351-
Of abjuration and test, 19, 24,
42, 154, 162, 220, 238, 261,
283, 287, 288, 296, 308, 381.
Of Commissioners for emit-
ting bills of credit, 248.
Of gauger of liquid merchan-
dize, 407.
Ut insolvent debtors, 415.
Of masters and mates loading
export tobacco, 166, 168.
Of office, of clerk to Lower
House committees, 19, 24,
88, 308.
Of printer of bills of credit,
Of prisoners for debt, 403,
410, 412.
Of reviewers of tobacco, 171.
Of sheriffs, et als., to disclose
loading of uninspected to-
bacco, 179-180.
Of tobacco inspectors, 154,
Of trustees for the poor in
Baltimore County, 261-262;
in St. Mary's County, 220;
in Talbot County, 381.
Of vestrymen and wardens on
nomination of inspectors,
Oaths to the government, 18,
24, 42, 154. id2, 220, 238,
261, 283, 287, 288, 296, 308,
Offenses committed in America,
Place of trial of, 423, 424,
426, 429, 430.
Officeholders, Ineligibility of,
for Lower House, Proposal
of, 296, 351-352.
Officers and lawyers, Fees of,
13; see also Tobacco, Staple
of, Act for amending.
Officers' fees, Bill to regulate,
xiv, xviii, 18, 35, 36, 56, 58,
86, 91, 106, 110, 116, 282,
285, 310, 314, 3I5-3I6, 317,
Offices, buying and selling of,
Act to prevent, 18, 38, Z7 ',
64 87, 90, 129, 285, 286, 209,
310, 312, 325, 357-
Ogle, Benjamin, road supervi-
sor, 395.
Benjamin (U. H. and Coun-
cil), xiii, 12, 41, 43, 47, 58,
62, 74, 275, 277, 278, 283,
287, 433; on Comm. to an-
swer the Governor's speech,
275, 277 ; sent by the Upper
House, 42, 56, 60, 65, 66,
68, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 85, 108,
122, 133, 137, 145, 148, 278,
279, 283, 287, 288, 292, 207,
301, 311, 312, 321, 332, 343,
347, 359-
Oneal, Lawrence, sheriff of
Frederick County, 52, 93,
101, 106.
Ordinary keepers, hawkers and
pedlars and petty chapmen,
Act, for licensing, Supple-
mentary act to, 61, 65, 109,
124, 125, 133, 228.
Ordinary licenses, Receipts from,
•Vitro, gl, g£J, g4, 6S, TOO.
101, 133, 141.
Organist, Act for the support of,
see King and Queen Parish,
St. Mary's County; Port
Tobacco Parish.
Otter Point Landing Ware-
house, Baltimore County,
152, 159-
Overseer of the alms and work
house, 223-227, 264-268, 384-
387; see also Baltimore
County, Poor in ; St. Mary's
County, Poor in; Talbot
County, Poor in.
Owings, Christopher, road su-
pervisor, 396.
[Owings] Owengs, Samuel,
Junr., road supervisor, 396.
Oxford Warehouse, Talbot
County, 152, 159.
Paca, John, Commissioner for
Harford County, xxx, 198.
William (Annapolis), xix, 14,
18, 36, 37, 83, 86, 87, 98, 105,
109, no, in, 113, 114, 132,
139, 303, 306, 310, 311, 312,
317, 318, 322, 323, 328, 331,
333, 338, 339, 348 ; on Comm.
to answer the Governor's
address, 18, 140, 306; on
Comm. of correspondence
and enquiry, xv, 23, 432;