Accounts, journal of, xx, 30, 50,
53, 78, 79, 80, 99, 102, 105,
107, in, 142, 143, 148, 149,
271, 295, 298, 332, 339, 348,
354, 408.
Act of Assembly, Directing the
manner of electing ..... Dele-
gates July 17, 1716, 22, 434.
For vesting in ... foreign
Protestants naturalized .....
the privileges of natural
born citizens, 22, 434.
Act of Parliament, 12 & 13,
William III, Cap. 2, for
better securing the rights
and liberties of the subject,
22, 434-
1 George I, cap. 4, explaining
12 & 13 Wm. III 22, 434.
22 George II, cap. 45, for the
further encouragement of
the whale fishery, etc., 22.
13 Geo. II, Cap. 7, for natural-
izing foreign Protestants,
22, 434, 435-
Actions, Act for the continua-
tion of, Dec. 7, 1751, 22, 434.
Acts, expiring, Acts to continue,
125, 126.
Acts of Assembly, Act to con-
tinue, 47, 61, 93, 08, 124-125.
Acts passed, n, 12, 48, 49, 55,
57, 60, 61, 62-63, 65, 66, 68,
69, 70, 71-72, 73-74, 75, 77-
78, 79, 80, 81, 97, 121-122,
125, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134,
139, 142-153, 145, 146, 147,
151-271 (text), 278, 284
. 286, 287, 287-288, 288, 289-
290, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295,
299, 3ii, 312, 322, 324, 325,
335, 341, 346, 349, 350, 353,
354, 356, 358, 362-420 (text).
Acts, private, xxii, 194-197
(text), 214-216 (text), 253-
254 (text), 365-366 (text),
388-391 (text), 393-394
Fees for, 78, 144-145, 300-301,
Adams, Samuel, of Massachu-
setts, 429.
William, Stepney Parish,
Somerset, 369.
Addison, [Rev.] H[enry], 120,
John, late sheriff of Prince
George's County, 51, 100,
Advertisements at the court
house door, 405, 412, 415-
416; see also Maryland Gaz-
Airey (Airy), John (Dorches-
ter County), Warehouse of,
152, 159, 191.
Alexander, Robert, g.
All Hallows Parish, Worcester
County, levy of tobacco for,
Act for, xxvi, 27, 29, 87,
288, 292, 293, 301, 314, 317,
332, 334, 360, 371-372
(text); Petition for chapel
of ease in, 7, 8, 25, 27, 29.
All Saints Parish, Calvert
County, Parish church in,
Act for building, xxvi, 287,
288, 289.-290, 301, 312, 317,
328, 331, 334, 337, 339, 359,
370-371 (text); Petition of,
28, 37, in, 370.
All Saints Parish, Frederick
County, xix.
Allen, Rev. Bennet, xix.
Rev. Ethan, xx.
Dr. Moses, Trustee for the
poor in Talbot County, 381.
William, 392.
Allowances to Assembly mem-
bers, Prohibition of, 297,
Allspaugh, David. 284.
Alvey, Jesse, 402.
Amendments to bills, 9, 29, 45,
60, 61, 62-63, 64, 65, 66-68,
77, 123, 127-128, 131, 133-
134, 135-137, 149, 285, 290,
295-297, 317, 324, 342-343,
350-352, 354-
Amer, William, 280, 402.
Andrews, [Rev.] lohn, 120.
Annapolis, Delegates of, xiv, 14,
83, 303, 348.
Jail of, Filthy and nasty con-
dition of, xxix.
Powers of ..... , act for the
enlargement of, 294, 299,
3io, 338, 346, 357-
Anne Arundel County, Dele-
gates of, xiv, 14, 82, 303,
Justices of, 208, 374.
Loan of bills of credit in, 245.
Poor in, Act for the relief of
65, 66. 68, 72, 127, 129, 132,
134, 143, 208-209 (text).
Roads in, see Roads, public.
Sheriff of, 52, 101, 363, 364
410, 411, 412, 438; see also
Noke, William.
Trustees of the poor of, Peti-
tion of in, 208.
Warehouses in, List of, 152.
Annsbaugh, Nicholas, 402.
Armitt, Mary Ann Christy Abi-
gail, Petition of, 49, 106,
108, 124, 125, 138.
Samuel, 106.
Ashmead, Joseph, 280, 401.
Assembly, Joint comm. of, to
inspect the Commissioners
for emitting bills of credit,
4-5, 17, 20, 25, 42, 49-55, 84,
85, 86, 98-104, 109, 117, 245,
248, 250, 276, 299-300, 304-
5, 306, 357-358; see also
Lower House, Comm. of.
Proclamation to prorogue, Fee
for, 347.
Prorogation of, 430-431; see
also Governor, Prorogation
by; Lower House, Adjourn-
ment of.
Season for meeting of, 3, 15,
19, 21, 309-
Attornies' fees, payment of, Act
to regulate, 57, 105, 109,
112, 297, 299, 311, 344, 353,
Babington, Charles, 401.
Badge or mark, Wearing of, by
alms house inmates, xxiii,
225-226, 267, 38?.
Bainbridge, Peter, 108.
Ballast, Unlawful unloading of,
Balthrop, Boles Tyer, 34, 04,
115; see also Smoot, Ed-
John, 34.
Baltimore County, Alms and
work house in, 263-264; see
also Poor in, Act for the
relief of.
Court of, Increase of civil
business before, 367; Wit-
nesses in, 230.
Court house and prison of,
Expenditures on 337. Loca-
tion of, xxx.
Criminal business of, Act to
regulate, 59, 66, 73, 74, "4,
117, 121, 133, 145, 228-230
Criminals in goal of Petition
from, 70, 139, 144.
Delegates of, xiv, 28, 31, 27,
82, 201, 283, 303, 319.
Division of, Act for, xxx-
xxxi, 48, 59, 60, 72, 105, 109,
115, 117-118, 120, 121, 198-
201 (text), 376-377; Divi-
sion of, Petition for, 48, 105,
Justices of, 64, 131, 200, zoi,
261, 264; Allowances to, for
attendance, 229; to hold
court in February, lune and
October, 228-229.
Loan of bills of credit in, 245.
Poor in, Act for the relief of,
xxiii, 74, 78, 81, 146, 149,
259-269 (text).
Roads in, see Roads, public.
Sheriff of, 52, 101, 199, 229;
see also Holliday, John