His Excellency the Governor was pleased to inform the Council
that it having been reported to him the preceding evening that the
Lower House of Assembly had thought fit to adjourn themselves
for 13 or 14 Days he had in consequence thereof Sent to their Clerk
for their Votes and Proceedings; which are as follows, viz:t
Thursday October 28th 1773.
George Steuart Esquire from the Upper house delivers to M.r
Speaker the bill entitled, "An act for the regulation of the Staple of
Tobacco and preventing Frauds "in his Majestys Customs" — thus
Endorsed. "By the Upper house of Assembly October 28th 1773.
Read the Second time and will not pass.
Signed by order, U. Scott, Ck. up. Ho:"
With the following Message
(The message referred to not among the papers.) which was read
and Ordered to lie on the table.
The House adjourns 'till 3 oClock
Post Meredian, The house met.
Council Pro-
Force tran-
scripts, Li-
brary of
p. 4
"The House taking into Consideration the propositions brought
from the upper house this Morning with the Inspection Bill, rejected
them Unanimously."
"The House Adjourned till Wednesday the 10th of November next
to Consult, their Constituents on the Present distressed Circum-
stances of the Province."
His Excellency then informed the Council that he also had for
their better information made a full extract from the Votes and
p. 5