Whereas the Speaker hath communicated to this House a Letter
from the truly respectable House of Burgesses in his Majesty's
Ancient Colony of Virginia, inclosing a Copy of the Resolves entered
into by them on the 12.th of March last, and requesting that a Com-
mittee of this House may be appointed to communicate from Time to
Time, with a corresponding Committee then appointed by the said
House of Burgesses in Virginia.
And whereas this House is fully sensible of the necessity and
Importance of an Union of the several Colonies in America, at a
Time when it clearly appears that the Rights and Liberties of all
are systematically invaded; in Order that the joint Wisdom of the
whole may be emploied in consulting their common Safety.
Resolved that this House have a very grateful Sense of the Obliga-
tions they are under to the House of Burgesses in Virginia, for the
Vigilance, firmness and Wisdom, which they have discovered at all
Times in Support of the Rights and Liberties of the American Col-
onies; and do heartily concur with them in their said judicious and
spirited Resolves.
Resolved that a standing Committee of Correspondence and En-
quiry be appointed to consist of fifteen Members, any eight of whom
to be a quorum; whose Business it shall be, to obtain the most early
and authentic Intelligence of all such Acts and Resolutions of the
British Parliament, or proceedings of Administration, as may relate
to, or affect the British Colonies in America; and to keep up and
maintain a Correspondence and Communication with our Sister Col-
onies respecting these important Considerations; and the Result of
such their Proceedings from Time to Time to lay before the House.
Resolved that it be an Instruction to the said Committee, that they
do, without Delay, inform themselves particularly of the Principles