And be it thereby declared and Enacted that the Damages and
Costs so to be recovered by any Prisoner as aforesaid shall not be
vested in the Sheriff or in anywise subjected to the Benefit of any
Creditor or Creditors
And be it Enacted that any person who shall take the Oath or
Affirmation by this Act directed and shall upon Indictment be
convict of Perjury or of willfully and corruptly affirming any Matter
or Thing therein contained such Persons shall suffer as in Cases of
willful and corrupt Perjury and likewise be liable to be taken on
process de novo and Charged in Execution for his or her debts and
shall never after have the benefit of this Act
This Act to Commence on the first day of October next and
Continue in force for three Years from that day and to the end of
the next Session of Assembly which shall happen after the End of
the said three Years.
[Damages &
Costs not to
be vested in
the Sheriff,
p. 370
convicted of
Perjury to
suffer as in
Cases of
wilful & cor-
rupt Per-
jury, &c,]