Justices who shall attend that such Person hath been actually Im-
prisoned as aforesaid and it doth not appear to them or any two
of them from the Cause or Causes of his or her imprisonment or
by the allegation upon Oath of the Creditors or some of the Creditors
of the said Prisoner that the whole of the debts due and owing from
him or her amount together to two Hundred pounds Sterling Money
or the Value thereof then such Prisoner may deliver to the said
Sherriff a Schedule of his or her whole Estate Debts and Credits
and also deliver to the said Justice attending a Duplicate thereof
which Schedule and Duplicate shall be Subscribed by such Prisoner
before the same Justices who shall thereto Subscribe as Witnesses
and the Same Justices or any two of them shall thereupon at the
whose Debts
do not
amount to
more than
£200 sterl-
ing, to
deliver a
Schedule of
their Estate,
&c. on
of their County Court to be by him preserved in his office for the
better information of the Creditors of such Prisoner.
And be it enacted that all the real and Personal Estate of such
Prisoner either in Possession reversion Remainder or in Trust for
him or her or in or unto which he or she has any Claim or interest
whatsoever or which in any manner may can or might be subjected
to the Payment or Satisfaction of Creditors and also all causes of
[Such Es-
tate, &c. to
be vested in
the Sheriff,
who is to
sell the same,
and apply it
towards Sat-
isfaction of
the Credi-
tors, &c.]