Liber R. G.
[Roads when
finished to be
[No Car-
riage of
where the
Tread of
each Wheel
doth not
exceed Five
Inches, to be
drawn on
on any Part
of the Road
leading from
Branch to
the North-
ward of the
under Pen-
alty, &c.]
And be it Enacted that after the said roads shall be finished
as aforesaid they shall be and are hereby declared Public Roads
and no Waggon or other Carriage of Burthen the Tread of each of
the Wheels whereof doth not exceed five Inches shall under any
pretence whatsoever be drawn upon any of that part of the said Road
leading from Watts's Branch which Shall lie to the Northward of
the Posts afforesaid unless barely and necessarily to cross the same
under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings Current Money for every
Offence to be levied by distress to be made of any one of the Cattle
used for drawing the said Waggon or other Carriage within Twenty
ffour hours after the Offence Committed by any ffree-holder within
the County where the Offence shall be committed who will distrain
for the same by his own use and sale of such Beast at any time
not less than three or more than seven days after such distress made
and if any Person shall be Beat or Assaulted for making or attempt-
ing to make any such distress or assisting to do the same the offence
for which distress may be made having been Actually Committed
every person being guilty of such beating or assault shall be liable
to the Action of the Party beaten or Assaulted in which shall be
recovered if the same Shall be brought in Debt on this Act Twenty
pounds Current Money besides such Damages as shall be assessed
by the Jury who shall try the same with full costs to and for the
use of the Party beaten or assaulted
[Overseer of
the Roads
and Tax-
ables in the
several Hun-
dreds of
Arundel &
Counties, to
use their En-
deavours for
the Repair of
said Roads,
& shall be
chargeable to
work thereon
not exceed-
ing 6 Days
in any one
And Whereas the other Public Roads in the said Counties of Ann
Arundel and Frederick are very much out of order and in the Present
Method of amending and repairing them the Burthen of the little
Labour performed thereon falls very unequally on the People for
remedy whereof and also to provide for keeping the Public Roads
in the said Counties in repair Be it enacted that the overseer of the
Public Roads together with the Taxable Inhabitants of the respective
hundreds in the same Counties shall at proper seasons in every Year
for Seven Years next ensuing and untill the end of the next Session
of Assembly which shall happen after the end of the said Seven Years
use their Endeavours for the repair of the said Roads and shall be
Chargeable to Labour and Work thereon so many days as Shall be
necessary not exceeding six days in any one Year and every such Tax-
able Inhabitant shall have and bring with him a Spade Shovel Pick
Mattock Grubbing hoe Hilling Hoe Crow Barr or Sledge hammer or
instead thereof if particularly required an Axe and shall diligently
perform the Work and Labour to which he shall be appointed by the
overseer aforesaid for eight Hours in every of the said Days with
the said Tools