392 Assembly Proceedings, March 23-April 19, 1774.
No. 19
Liber R. G.
p. 343
An Act to empower the Justices of Somerset and Worcester Coun-
ties to levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Coventry Parish in said
Counties the Quantity of thirty two Thousand pounds of Tobacco
for the uses therein mentioned.
Whereas Sundry of the Inhabitants of Coventry Parish lying
partly in Somerset and Partly in Worcester Counties have by their
humble Petition to this General Assembly set forth that the said
Parish is very extensive, That the Inhabitants of the said Parish
residing on the East side of Pocomoke are very remote from any
place of Public Worship and have prayed that an Act may pass to
enable the Justices of Somerset and Worcester Counties to levy
on the Taxable Inhabitants of Coventry Parish in Somerset and
Worcester Counties a Quantity of Thirty two Thousand pounds of
Tobacco at two equal Assessments for the purpose of purchasing a
Lot of Ground at or near Stevens Ferry on the East side of Poco-
moke in the said Parish and erecting and building thereon a Chapel
of Ease in the said Parish
named to
agree for
Two Acres
of Land, &
treat with
any Persons
to build a
Chapel of
Be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the advice and consent of his Governor and the
Upper and Lower houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same
That the Reverend Samuel Sloane Mess:rs William Alien Thomas
Bruff Joseph Scott and Major Thomas Hayward of Coventry Parish
aforesaid which lies in Somerset and Worcester Counties aforesaid
for the Time being or the Major Part of them be and are hereby
Authorized empowered and required to purchase in ffee in the name
of the Commissioners aforesaid of the said Parish for the Time
being Two Acres of Land lying in Worcester County in the Parish
aforesaid on the East side of Pokomoke and at or near Stevens's
Ferry and to treat and agree with such person or persons as they or
the Major Part of them shall think proper to employ and Build a
Chapel of ease thereon for the use of the Inhabitants of the said
Parish which said land when so purchased and the said Chapel when
so built shall be and are hereby Declared to be constituted and
deemed the land and Chapel of Ease of the said Parish and the said
Chapel forever hereafter shall be supported and repaired at the
charge of the said Parish
[Justices of
Somerset &
Counties to
levy on the
taxable In-
habitants of
Parish, at
Two equal
32,000 lb.
And be it further enacted that for the Building of the said Chapel
of ease on the East side of Pocomoke the Justices of Somerset and
Worcester Counties for the Time being shall and they are hereby
Authorised and impowered to Assess and Levy on the Taxable
Inhabitants of the said Parish the Quantity of Thirty two Thou-
sand pounds of Tobacco by two equal Assessments in the Years of
Our Lord Seventeen hundred and seventy four and Seventeen hun-
dred and Seventy five together with the Sheriffs Salary of Five per
Cent for Collecting the same which said Asse[ss]ments shall Respec-