Acts. 385
ance of this Act to appoint a fit person to be overseer of the Alms
and work house in the said County and other proper officers and
Servants as to them shall appear necessary for carrying on the Busi-
ness of the said Corporation and they or the Major Part of them
shall and may agree and they are hereby empowered to pay the
said overseer as a Salary out of the Tobacco and Money raised and
collected as aforesaid a Sum not exceeding Eighty pounds Current
Liber R. G.
Money per Annum and so pro Rato during his Continuance in Office
and shall then take a Bond which the said overseer and every other
overseer to be appointed shall and is hereby Obliged to enter into
with Sufficient Sureties in the Penalty of Two Hundred pounds Cur-
rent Money Payable to the said Trustees for the poor conditioned
as follows to wit The Condition of the above Obligation is such that
if the above bound A: B as overseer of the Alms and Work House in
Talbot County shall well and truly discharge his duty in the said
Station and more Particularly according to the directions of the Act
of Assembly entitled an Act for the releif of the poor in Talbot
County then the above Obligation to be void otherwise to remain in
full force and Virtue in Law.
to enter into
Bond, in
Penalty of
200 l. Cur-
rent Money.]
[The Con-
And be it further enacted That the said Trustees or the Major
Part of them shall and they are hereby directed and impowered to
remove such overseer and all other officers by them to be appointed
in pursuance of this act at their Discretion and to choose others in
their Place and stead.
[Trustees to
remove the
Overseer at
their Dis-
cretion, &c.]
And be it further enacted that the said Trustees or the Major
Part of them shall and they are hereby directed and enjoined to
meet at the Alms and Work House, in said County four times in
the Year in the first Week of January May August and November
or oftener if it should by them be deemed Necessary to make and
ordain by a Majority of Votes of such as may be present all such
good and Wholesome Ordinances Rules and Bye Laws as they
shall think convenient and necessary for the direction Government
and support of such Alms and Work House and also for the Main-
tainance and Employment of all such poor Persons as shall be taken
under their care and of all vagrants Beggars Vagabonds and other
offenders that shall be committed thereto by Virtue of this Act all
which Ordinances Rules and bye Laws shall be from Time to Time
inviolably observed by all persons concerned according to the Tenor
and Effect thereof
[And to
make Ordi-
nances, &c.
for the Gov-
ernment and
Support of
the Alms &
House, &c.]
And be it further enacted that the said Overseer shall keep a fair
and regular list of all poor and of all Beggars Vagrants Vagabonds
and other Offenders who shall be committed to the said Alms and
Work House and also fair and regular Accounts in writing of all
Materials and other things coming to his hands as overseer afore-
said and of all expences and Charges attending their Maintainance
and Support and of all Monies received by him for the sale of the
[Overseer to
keep Lists of
the Poor,
&c. to be
laid before
the Trus-