No. 15 An Act for King Williams School in Annapolis
Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the advice and consent of his Governor and the Upper
and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same
that any person or persons whatsoever may give grant assign convey
or devise any Goods Chatties lands or Tenements to the Rectors
Governors Trustees & Visitors of King Williams School in An-
napolis for the Time being and the s.d Rectors Governors Trustees
and Visitors may accept take Possess and hold the same to the use of
the said School to them and their Successors according to the Estate
to be given granted Assigned conveyed or devised any thing to the
Contrary thereof Notwithstanding
p. 332
[The Rec-
tors, Gov-
ernors, &c.
may accept
any Goods,
&c. given &
hold the
same to the
Use, &c.
of King
And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that in Case of Ab-
sence of the Rector of the said Corporation it shall be Lawfull for any
Number of the Governors & Visitors aforesaid not less than seven on
any special Occasion to meet together Consult direct and Manage the
affairs of the said School & execute the several Powers & Authori-
ties with which the Rectors Governors Trustees and Trustees of King
William School aforesaid are vested as well and effectually as the
whole of them might do and the Orders Rules & directions that in
the absence of their Rector shall by a Majority of the Governors
and Visitors aforesaid not less than seven be made and given shall be
of as good efficacy and Force as if they were made & given by the
[In Absence
of the Rec-
tor, Seven of
the Gover-
nors and
Visitors may
whole of the Members of that Corporation any thing to the Contrary
thereof Notwithstanding
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the
register or other officer of the said Corporation whose Duty it shall
[Register to
give the
Notice of
any intended