And Whereas by the discontinuing and abolishing June Court it is
thought reasonable that the Time for limiting the Continuance of
Actions in the several and respective County Courts within this Prov-
ince should be shortned
Be it therefore Enacted that all Actions Commenced or to be com-
menced in any County Court of this Province may be continued to
the end of the third Court after the appearance Court and no Longer
unless it shall appear by affidavit to the Satisfaction of the Court
that Testimony Material in such suit is really wanting and that the
Party alledging the same to be wanting or his Attorney or agent
hath used his reasonable Endeavours for procuring such Witness or
Testimony any former Law usage or custom to the Contrary thereof
Liber R. G.
[By abolish-
ing June
Court, Ac-
tions how
long to be
And Whereas from the Increase of Civil Business in Charles,
Talbot, Saint Marys Baltimore and Kent Counties it is thought
Proper that the days appointed by Law for the holding of the County
Courts for the said Counties be altered Be it therefore Enacted that
for the future the County Court for Baltimore, Talbot, and Saint
Marys Counties shall be held on the Monday before the first Tuesday
in the Months of March August and November Yearly, for Charles
County on the Monday before the second Tuesday of the said Months
and for Kent County on the Monday before the third Tuesday of the
said Months and that all Actions Process and proceedings as well
Criminal as Civil which are depending and undetermined in the said
County Courts or returnable to the ffirst second and third Tuesdays
in June next shall be construed Judged and taken to be in the same
situation state and condition on the Monday before the first second
and Third Tuesdays in August next as they would be on the First
second and third Tuesdays in June next, And the Justices of the said
County Courts for the Time being may on the Mondays before the
first second and third Tuesdays of August next proceed to the hearing
and determining all Actions Process and proceedings respectively as
the case may require as fully and Effectually to all intents Construc-
tions and purposes whatsoever as the Justices of the said County
Courts could or might Lawfully do on the first second and third
Tuesdays of June next any Law usage or Custom to the Contrary
thereof notwithstanding
[By Reason
of the Mul-
tiplicity of
Business, the
Courts for
Talbot, Saint
Charles, and
Kent Coun-
ties, when to
be held.]
And be it Enacted that all Pleas Process and Proceedings Civil
or Criminal which are or shall be returnable to the next June County
Courts of each respective County of this province shall by virtue
of this act be returnable to the next August Court to be held for
each County and all actions Suits Process and Proceedings Civil or
Criminal depending in or returnable to the next June County Court
of each County shall be and are hereby continued to the next August
Court of each County and the said Process and every other Matter
[All Pleas
&c. return-
able to June,
to be re-
turned to
Court in each