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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 351   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 351

indorsed; "By the Upper House of Assembly, April 16, 1774: Read
the first and second Time by an especial Order and will pass with
the Amendments annexed.
Signed by Order, James Brooks, Cl. Up. Ho."

The Word "or" after the Word "Representative," in the second
Page, to be struck out, and the Word, "and" to be inserted; and at
the End of the Bill add as follows viz. "And be it enacted, by the
Authority aforesaid, That every Person who hereafter be elected
or chosen to serve in the General Assembly of this Province as a
Delegate or Deputy, shall, at the Time of his taking the Oaths to
the Government; and repeating and subscribing the Test, take also
the following Oath, to wit, "I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I have

L. H. J.
Liber 54
Apr. 16

made Use of no Means, directly or indirectly, to deceive any Elector
in Order, or with the Intent or Design to obtain or procure his Vote,
either for myself or any other Person, and that whilst I shall serve
as a Delegate or Deputy in the General Assembly of this Province, I
will truly and faithfully, upon all Occasions, consent and agree to
the passing, ordaining, and enacting, of all such Resolves, Regula-
tions, and Laws, as I shall believe in my Conscience to be just, and
conducive to the Peace, real Welfare and Prosperity of this Province,
without any other Regard or View whatsoever; and that I will
oppose and dissent from all Resolves, Regulations and Laws, which
shall be proposed by any Person, and which I shall in my Conscience
believe to be unjust, or not conducive to the Peace, real Welfare and
Prosperity of this Province; and that I will not, in any Manner,
directly or indirectly, misrepresent my own Conduct or Views as a
Delegate or Deputy, or the Conduct or Views of any other Delegate
or Deputy in the General Assembly, in Order to gain the Vote of
any Elector for myself or any other Person, or to persuade or incline
any Elector not to give his Vote for any Person who shall or may
be a Candidate at any Election." And be it enacted, That no Person
who hath held or enjoyed any Office of Profit in this Province, or
who hath, by himself or any other Person, with his Privity and
Consent, applied for his Appointment to any such Office, though
the said Application failed of Effect, shall hereafter, for the Term
of Seven Years, be capable to be or eligible as a Delegate or Deputy
to serve in the General Assembly of this Province; and in Case any
Person who hath held or enjoyed any such Office, or hath applied
for the same as aforesaid shall be elected and returned as a Delegate
or Deputy to serve in the General Assembly aforesaid, and shall not
give Notice of his said Incapacity to the House of Representatives,
after his Election, and before his taking the Oaths to the Govern-
ment, repeating and subscribing the Test, and taking the Oath afore-
said, such Person shall forfeit and pay the Sum of One Thousand
Pounds Sterling to be recovered and applied as aforesaid, and be
incapacitated and rendered incapable thereafter of serving his Coun-
try in the Capacity of a Representative, and also of holding or en-

p. 374

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 351   View pdf image (33K)
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