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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 332   View pdf image (33K)
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332 Assembly Proceedings, March 23-April 19, 1774.

L. H. J.
Liber 54
Apr. 11

On Motion, Resolved, That no new Claims be received against
the Publick after Wednesday next, and that the Journal of Accounts
be closed on that Day.
The Bill, entitled, An Act to assess and levy on the taxable In-
habitants of All-Hallows Parish in Worcester County, a Quantity
not exceeding Forty-five Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, for the
Purpose of erecting a Chapel of Ease in the said Parish, was read
the second Time and will pass.
M.r Waters brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker a Bill, entitled,
An Act to empower the Justices of Somerset County, to levy on the
taxable Inhabitants of that Part of Stepney Parish which lies in the
said County, a Quantity of Tobacco for the Purposes therein men-
tioned. Which was read the first and second Time by an especial
Order and will pass.
Benjamin Ogle, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker the Bill, entitled, An Act for building a new Church in
the City of Annapolis in Saint Anne's Parish; and the Bill, entitled,
An Act for the Support of an Organist in King and Queen Parish in
Saint Mary's County; severally indorsed; "By the Upper House of
Assembly, April 11, 1774: Read the first and second Time by an
especial Order and will pass.

Signed by Order, James Brooks, Cl. Up. Ho."

Which were severally read Here and passed for ingrossing.
M.r Chaille and M.r Holland have Leave of Absence.
The House adjourns till To-morrow Morning 9 OClock.

Apr. 12
p. 361

Tuesday, April 12, 1774.
The House met.
All Members present as on Yesterday.
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
M.r Funk and M.r Somervell appeared in the House.
The House being informed, that M.r Thomas Bond Son of
Thomas, M.r Richard Dallam, and M.r John Love, Three Delegates
returned for Harford County, were attending, Ordered, That M.r
Ridgely and M.r Deye do go with those Gentlemen to the Upper
House to see them qualified. They return and acquaint M.r Speaker
they saw them qualified in the usual Manner. The Gentlemen took
their Seats in the House.
The Bill, entitled, An Act empowering Leonard Hollyday to sell
the Land therein mentioned, was read the second Time, passed, and
sent to the Upper House with the Bill, entitled, An Act to assess
and levy on the taxable Inhabitants of All-Hallows Parish in Worces-
ter County, a Quantity not exceeding Forty-five Thousand Pounds

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 332   View pdf image (33K)
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