Tuesday Morning I2.th April 1774.
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as yesterday
Mess.rs Charles Ridgely and Deye, attend with Mess:rs Thomas
Bond (son of Thomas) John Love, and Richard Dallam Members
elected for Harford County, to see them Qualified, who take the
several Oaths to Government appointed to be taken by Act of
Assembly, repeat and subscribe the Oath of Abjuration and Test,
and then withdraw.
Mess.rs Waters and Purnell bring up a Bill entitled "An Act
empowering Leonard Holliday to Sell the Land therein mentioned."
Read the first and second Time in the Lower House and will Pass —
which was Read the first Time in this House and ordered to lie
on the Table.
Mess:rs Waters and Purnell also bring up a Bill entitled "An Act
to empower the Justices of Somerset County to Levy on the Taxable
Inhabitants of that part of Stepney Parish which lies in the said