252 Assembly Proceedings, November 16-December 23, 1773.
Liber R. G.
Salary to
the Com-
and Clerk.]
as aforesaid shall stand and be construed to stand as Security for
the faithful Performance after the Date thereof of all the Duties
of such Commissioner or Clerk in his Respective Office And such
of the said Commissioners as shall execute the Trust under this Act
shall be allowed after the Rate of two hundred Dollars each for the
first and after the Rate of Eighty Dollars each for every Year after
until the tenth Day of April Seventeen hundred and Eighty two in
Addition to the salaries heretofore allowed them and the Clerk for
the Time being to the said Commissioners shall be allowed for his
Services in the Execution of this Act after the Rate of one hun-
dred Dollars for the first Year and after the Rate of Sixty Dollars per
Year for every Year afterwards untill the tenth Day of April Seven-
teen hundred and Eighty two over and above his Salary allowed by
former Laws which salaries shall be paid out of the Bills of Credit
emitted in Virtue of this and the said Act entitled an Act for emitting
Bills of Credit and for other Purposes therein mentioned
[The Of-
fices of the
sioners and
their Clerk
to continue
till the 10th
of April
p. 294
And be it further enacted That the Offices of the said Com-
missioners and their Clerk af.d shall have being and Continuance
by Virtue hereof until the tenth Day of April seventeen hundred
and Eighty six and shall and may from Time to time until that
time as Occasion may Require be filled up used and exercised in
like manner as the same Offices Respectively may be filled up used
and exercised until the said tenth Day of April seventeen hundred
and Eighty two by Virtue of the said Act intitled an Act for emitting
Bills of Credit and other Purposes therein mentioned and under the
like Securities of such Bonds and Oaths as are required by the same
Act And that after the said tenth Day of April seventeen hundred
and Eighty two until the Said tenth Day of April Seventeen hun-
[Their Sal-
aries for the
last Four
dred and Eighty six each of the Commissioners who shall exercise
that Office under this Act shall be allowed after the Rate of three
hundred and twenty Dollars by the Year for his salary and no
more And the Clerk to the said Commissioners shall be allowed
for his Services in the Execution of this Act after the Rate of two
hundred and fifty Dollars by the Year and no more to be paid out
of the Bills of Credit emitted in Virtue of this Act
Dollars to
be appro-
priated for
making a
Road from
Fort Cum-
berland, &c.]
And be it enacted that of the said Eighty Thousand Dollars to
be emitted in Virtue of this Act such Number as shall be necessary
not exceeding Eight thousand Dollars be and are hereby appro-
priated to be laid out and expended in the cutting clearing amending
and putting in good Order a Waggon Road from Fort Cumberland
to the nearest Battoc [sic] navigable Water on the Western side
of the Allegany Mountain and the said Eight Thousand Dollars
or such part thereof as may be necessary shall and may be laid out
and expended in the Work aforesaid by M.r Thomas Johnson Jun.r
M.r Henry Griffith M.r Charles Beatty M.r Thomas Sprigg Wootton
M.r Joseph Sprigg M.r Thomas Price and M.r Jonathan Hagar or