The House met.
On Motion, Mr. Richardson is added to the Committee of Ac-
Mr. Chamberlaine hath Leave of Absence for a few Days on
Business of Importance.
The House adjourns till To-morrow Morning g o'Clock.
Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Oct. 18
TUESDAY, October 19, 1773.
THE House met. All Members present as on Yesterday. The
Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
Mr. Contee, Mr. Earle, Mr. Sim, Mr. Waters, and Mr. Brown
appeared in the House.
On Motion, Mr. Contee and Mr. Sudler are added to the Com-
mittee appointed to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the Com-
missioners for emitting Bills of Credit.
On Motion, Mr. Earle is added to the Committee of Accounts.
The Bill, entitled An Act to explain an Act, relating to Leases
made by the Rector, Vestrymen and Churchwardens of Saint Anne's
Parish, was read the second Time, passed, and sent to the Upper
House by Mr. Griffith and Mr. Hyland.
The House adjourns till 3 o'Clock.
The House met.
Mr. So. Wright and Mr. Tolly appeared in the House.
Mr. T. Wright brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill, An
Act for the Regulation of the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing
Frauds in his Majesty's Customs.
George Steuart, Esq; from the Upper House delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of sundry the Inhabitants of All Hallows Parish,
in Worcester County, praying that an Act may pass to enable the
Justices of Worcester County, to levy on the taxable Inhabitants
of the said Parish, a Quantity of Tobacco sufficient for building a
Chapel in Mattaepony Hundred, at or near a Place called and known
by the Name of Sandy Hill.
A Petition of Ann Arnold Key, Widow of Francis Key, late of
Cascil County, deceased, setting forth, that the said Francis Key
died on or about the 26th Day of November, 1770, without having
duly executed his last Will and Testament according to the Forms
prescribed by Law, whereby the legal Title to his real Estate rests
in his eldest Son and Heir at Law, John Ross Key, a Minor of the
Oct. 19