Provided also and Be it enacted That in Case any of the Counties
aforesaid shall be divided and a new County out of any of them
shall be erected before any of the Assessments shall be made as
aforesaid in Virtue of this Act That then and in such Case the
Justices of such new County or Counties so erected shall and they
are hereby required annually to assess in the Respective County
Levies of their Respective County or Counties so to be erected such
part of the aforesaid several Quantities of Tobacco to be assessed
on the County or Counties so divided (for the aforesaid Ann
Catharine Green) as shall bear the like Proportion to the whole of
such Quantities of Tobacco to be assessed as aforesaid as the Number
of Taxables in any County or Counties which may hereafter be
erected bears to the Number of Taxables in the County or Counties
so to be divided with the Sheriff's Salary of five per Cent for Col-
lection which Assessment of Tobacco so to be made shall be collected
by the Sheriffs of the several and Respective Counties so to be
erected and paid to the said Ann Catharine Green in Manner and
form aforesaid And that the several and Respective Justices of
the several and Respective County Courts of such Counties that
shall be so divided shall in their annual Assessments to be made
in Virtue of this Act have regard to and be governed by the same
Rule of Apportionment. And the said Ann Catharine Green shall
furnish the Courts and the respective Justices and Representatives
[Proviso in
case of