And to prevent Individuals being unreasonably burthened with the
Execution of this Act as Trustees for the Poor Be it enacted That
at the Time of their meeting of the said Trustees for the poor in the
first Week of May Yearly the said Trustees or the Major Part
of them in the County aforesaid shall and may elect and choose one
of the best Inhabitants of the same County to be a Trustee for the
poor of that County in the stead of the first named or eldest of the
[Trustees to
choose a
new one
yearly in-
stead of the
first named
And be it further enacted That in all Cases upon Complaints of
the Overseer of said Workhouse or of any other Workhouse in this
Province to any Trustee for the Poor of such Workhouse that any
Rogue Vagrant Vagabond or other idle dissolute and disorderly
Person thereto committed and therein remaining hath behaved and
demeaned himself in a Disorderly Manner or hath neglected and
refused to do and perform his or her daily Labour and Task or
hath neglected or refused to obey keep and observe any of the Ordi-
nances Rules and Bye-Laws of the said Corporation it shall and
may be Lawful for such Trustee to order and direct such moderate
and proper Correction not exceeding thirty nine Lashes for any one
Offence to be given to such Offender as the Nature of the Case
shall require —
&c. com-
mitted to the
House be-
having in a
Manner, to
be cor-