Acts. 221
them for or towards the Support and Maintenance of the Poor in
the said County and they or any of them may receive by way of
Subscription any sum or sums of Money which shall or may be
given for the better and more speedy promoting the Benefit and
Good by this Act Intended and that they have full power authority
lawful Capacity and ability to purchase take hold receive enjoy and
have to them and their successors forever any Lands Tenements
and Hereditaments not exceeding the yearly Value of One Thousand
Pounds Sterling of any person or persons whatsoever and are hereby
Liber R. G.
Impowered and Authorised to Use one common Seal in their Busi-
ness relating to the said Corporation and the same if necessary to
change and alter and that the said Persons so incorporated the
longest Livers and successors of them shall be the true sole and
undoubted Trustees in Perpetual Succession forever to be continued
in way and manner hereafter specified, with full and absolute
Power Liberty and Authority in the making and ordaining such
Laws Orders and Rules for the better relieving regulating and setting
the Poor to work and punishing Vagrants Beggars Vagabonds and
other Offenders and for the good Government of the said Alms
and Work House in their said County as to them and their successors
shall from Time to Time seem most fit and Requisite all which shall
be observed by the Overseer of such Alms and Work House and
by all poor Beggars Vagrants Vagabonds and other Offenders in
such Alms and work House under the Penalties therein contained
p. 262
Provided always That the said Rules Laws and Orders be no wise
contrary to the Laws of this Province
And to perpetuate the succession of the aforementioned Number
of five Trustees for the Poor in the said County Be it enacted that
as often as any one of the said Trustees for the Poor shall die remove
himself out of the County refuse to Qualify himself by taking the
Oaths aforesaid or become incapable of acting the Trustees for the
Time being then surviving and remaining within the said County
or the Major Part of them are hereby authorized and required to
elect Nominate and choose one of the Principal and better Sort
of the Inhabitants of the County into the Place and Room of such
Trustee and so to fill up the full Number of Trustees for each Alms
and Work House, the which Persons so elected and chosen from
Time to Time are always to be qualified in the same Manner as
before by this Act is directed.
[In Case of
Death or
Refusal to
act, remain-
ing Trustees
to choose
others in
their Room.]
And be it further enacted That every Person by this Act appointed
as a Trustee for the Poor or that shall hereafter be nominated and
appointed as such pursuant to the Directions hereof and who shall
wilfully refuse or delay to take upon him the said Office, shall forfeit
and pay for every such Refusal or Delay the sum of Ten Pounds
[Penalty on
refusing to
act as
Current Money Provided that no Member of the Upper or Lower
House of Assembly Clergyman Attorney or Practising Physician
p. 263