Acts. 201
And be it enacted that the Justices of Baltimore County shall be
and they are hereby impowered upon Application to Issue Execu-
tions or other legal Process upon all Judgments and obtained or to
be had and obtained in Baltimore County Court against any In-
habitant of Harford County and to enforce the same which said
Writs shall be directed to the Sheriff of Harford County and the
said Sheriff is hereby authorized and directed to serve and return
the same to Baltimore County Court with the Body or Bodies of
the Person or Persons if taken against whom such Writ or Writs
shall issue for that Purpose and during the Attendance of the
Sheriff of Harford County at Baltimore County Court he shall have
a power to confine in Baltimore County Goal if he should think it
necessary such Persons as he shall have in Execution but after his
Attendance shall be dispensed with by the said Court He shall then
in a reasonable time remove such Persons as he shall have in Execu-
tion to Harford County Goal there to be kept till legally Discharged
Liber R. G.
Justices of
County to is-
sue Execu-
tions against
of Harford
County, &c.]
And be it enacted That the Public and County Levy now assessed
or levied or to be levied and Assessed by the Justices of Baltimore
County Court at their Levy Courts for the present Year shall and
may be collected and received by the Sheriff of Baltimore County
as well of the Taxable Inhabitants of Harford as of Baltimore
County and Collected accounted for and in such Manner as the said
publick and County Levy would have been collected accounted for
and applied had this Act never been made —
[Levies as-
sessed for
the present
Year to be
applied in
such Man-
ner as if this
Act had
never been
p. 242
And be it enacted that the several Delegates for Baltimore County
shall retain their Seats and that such of them as are Residents in
Baltimore County after the Division aforesaid shall be deemed and
taken as Delegates for that County and such of them as are Resi-
dents in Harford County shall be deemed and taken Delegates for
that County and Writs of Election shall issue to make up the Number
of Delegates wanted in either County to compleat the Usual and
Common County Representation —
for Balti-
more County
to retain
their Seats,
and serve
for the
Counties in
which they
reside, &c.]
And be it enacted that the County Court of Harford County
shall begin and be held Yearly on the fourth Tuesday of those
Months in which other County Courts are held and shall have equal
Power and Jurisdiction with any County Court in this Province —
when to be
No. 7 An Act for the Amendment of the Law