190 Assembly Proceedings, November 16-December 23, 1773.
Liber R. G.
Warehouses appointed herein to receive the same and shall offer
them or any of them to the Inspector to be by him received and
inspected and the said Inspector shall refuse to pass them or any of
them and the Owner or Owners of the said Tobacco or any other Per-
son or Persons by his her or their Privity Consent or Procurement
[Penalty on
taking away
Tobacco re-
fused to be
received or
shall either secretly or openly carry the said Tobacco or any Part
thereof away from the said Warehouse before the same hath been
viewed and passed according to Law the said Owner or Owners shall
forfeit and pay the Quantity of sixteen hundred Pounds of Tobacco
for every Hogshead of Tobacco so Carried away
to give Re-
ceipts for
And be it enacted that the Inspectors of Tobacco at the several
Warehouses within this Province shall immediately on the Delivery
of every Hogshead Cask Case or Parcel of Tobacco at the Ware-
houses whereof they are Inspectors weigh and give a Receipt for
such Tobacco if required by the Proprietor or Person bringing
the same to the said Warehouse expressing therein that the same is
for uninspected Tobacco which Receipt shall be given up to the In-
spectors upon the said Tobacco's being inspected and before the In-
spectors shall be obliged to deliver Notes therefor
[Penalty on
Fires in or
near Ware
And be it further enacted that if any Person other than the In-
spectors shall hereafter make any Fire within any Public Ware-
house or without Doors within the Space of fifty Yards from such
Warehouse such Person if a Freeman shall for every such Offence
forfeit and pay the Sum of six hundred Pounds of a Tobacco
and if a Servant or Slave he or she shall by Order of any Justice
within such County receive on his or her bare Back a Number of
Lashes not exceeding thirty nine for every such Offence.
not to be
within 100
Yards of
any Ware-
house, &c.]
And be it further enacted that it shall not be Lawful for any
person whatsoever to erect or build or Cause to be erected or built
any wooden Chimney within one hundred Yards of any Public
Warehouse in this Province and where any Wooden Chimneys are
already built within the Distance aforesaid from any Public Ware-
house the Owner or Proprietor of the said Chimneys shall pull
down the same or on Refusal or neglect so to do in twelve Months
after the passing this Act it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriff
of the County and he is hereby required to Cause such Chimneys
to be pulled down and demolished
[In Actions
against sea-
faring Men,
&c. Justices
to award
special Bail,
And be it Enacted that in all Actions founded on this Act against
Sea Faring Men or Persons about to depart the Province it shall
and may be Lawful for the Justices of the Court in which such
Action shall be Commenced upon Affidavit of the Plaintiff or other
Evidence of the Fact and his Cause of Action given to the Satis-
faction of the Court to award special Bail against any Defendant
or Defendants in such Action and for Default of such Bail to Com-
mit such Defendant or Defendants to the Custody of the Sheriff