Acts. 173
they shall have actually received and passed the full Quantity of
Tobacco for which such Note or Notes shall be given under Penalty
of his or their forfeiting his or their Year's Salary nor shall any
Inspector or Inspectors hereafter presume to give out any Crop
Note or Receipt in Lieu of Transfer Tobacco unless the Hogshead
of Tobacco for which such Note or Receipt shall be so given out shall
be actually prized and ready to be delivered for Exportation under
the Penalty of eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco for every Crop
Note or Receipt so given
Liber R. G.
p. 218
And be it enacted that all Tobacco brought to any of the said
Warehouses in Hogsheads Casks or Cases to be exported on Account
and for the Use of the Owner thereof after the same shall have
been viewed Examined and weighed and found to be good shall be
stamped as herein before directed and the said Inspector or In-
spectors shall deliver to the Person bringing the same as many
Receipts signed as aforesaid as shall be required for the Number
of the Hogsheads so brought and stampt and for every Hogshead
Cask or Case brought to any of the said Warehouses on the Eastern
Shore to be exported on Account and for the Use of the Owners
thereol there shall be paid to the Inspector or Inspectors there at-
to be
tending twenty eight Pounds of Tobacco for viewing examining
and stamping the same and the Owners of the said Tobacco shall
find and provide Nails for the Nailing thereof and for every Hogs-
head Cask or Case brought to any of the said Warehouses on the
Western Shore to be exported on Account and for the Use of the
Owners thereof there shall be paid to the Inspector or Inspectors
eight Pounds
of Tobacco
to be al-
lowed on the
there attending twenty four Pounds of Tobacco for viewing ex-
aming and stamping the same and the Owners of the said Tobacco
shall find and provide Nails for the nailing thereof
four on the
And to the Intent that the just Quantity of Tobacco exported
may be more exactly known and all evil Practices to defraud his
Majesty of his Customs prevented Be it enacted that all and every
Inspector or Inspectors shall carefully enter in a Book to be pro-
vided and kept for that Purpose the Marks Numbers Gross Nett
Weight and Tare of all Tobacco viewed and stamped by him or
them as aforesaid and in what Ship or Vessel the same shall be laden
and shall also with every Sloop or Boat Load of Tobacco send a
list of the Marks Numbers Gross Nett Weight and Tare of every
Hogshead of Tobacco then delivered to be given to the Master of
the Ship or Vessel in which the same shall be put on Board And if
the Tobacco delivered to the same Sloop or Boat is intended to be
put on Board several Ships or Vessels then he or they shall deliver
so many distinct and several Lists as aforesaid of the Hogsheads
to be put on Board such Ship or Vessel respectively which List
every Master of a Ship or Vessel is required to produce to and lodge
with the Naval Officer of the District where the Ship or Vessel
[Frauds in
his Majes-
ty's Cus-
toms, how to
be pre-