166 Assembly Proceedings, November 16-December 23, 1773.
Liber R. G.
[Justices to
repay the
Be it therefore enacted that the Justices of Talbot County shall
and they are hereby required upon Application to pay to any Person
or Persons out of any Monies due to the said County in the hands
of the Sheriff or levy on the taxable Inhabitants thereof for the
Use of such Person or Persons such reasonable Sum or Sums of
Money as shall appear to the said Justices to have been expended
in rebuilding the said Warehouse
[All To-
bacco for
to be taken
on board at
some public
after the
same is
And be it enacted that from and after the first Day of January
next no Person shall put on Board or receive into any Vessel any
Tobacco in any Hogshead Cask or Case to be exported out of this
Province before the same shall have been viewed and inspected
according to the Direction of this Act (except as before excepted)
but that all such Tobacco to be received or taken on Board any Ship
or other Vessel and to be therein exported or to be Carried or put
on Board any other Ship or Vessel for Exportation as aforesaid
shall be received or taken on Board at the several Warehouses for
that Purpose herein mentioned or some or one of them, And at
no other Place whatsoever And every Master Mate or Boatswain
p. 212
of any Vessel within Province which shall lade Tobacco for Ex-
portation during the Continuance of this Act shall before the said
Ship or Vessel be permitted to take on Board any such Tobacco
[An Oath
to be ad-
to Masters,
Mates, and
of Vessels,
before tak-
ing To-
bacco on
make Oath or Affirmation if a Quaker before the Naval Officer of
the District wherein such ship or Vessel shall arrive (which Oath
the said Naval Officer is hereby impowered and required to admin-
ister that they will not Crop Cut away the Bulge draw the Staves or
otherwise abuse or injure any Tobacco Cask freighted in his Ship
or Vessel nor Cause or suffer the same to be done with his Knowledge
Privity or Procurement nor will permit any Tobacco to be taken on
Board their respective Ships or Vessels except the same be packed
in Hogsheads Casks or Cases stamped by some' Inspector as by
Law directed legally thereto appointed or inspected and stamped
under private Agreement which Oath they shall subscribe in a Book
to be kept by the Naval Officer for that Purpose and if any such
Master shall Cause any Person who is not really and bona fide Mate
or Boatswain of the Ship or Vessel to Come on Shore and take such
[Penalty in
Case of
Oath he shall for the said Offence forfeit and pay four thousand and
eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco And if any Master or Commander
of any ship or Vessel shall take on Board or suffer to be taken on
Board the Ship or Vessel whereof he is Master any Tobacco brought
from any other Place than some or one of the Public Warehouses
herein mentioned or any Hogshead Cask or Case of Tobacco not
stamped by some Lawful Inspector or under private Agreement as
aforesaid shall suffer to be brought on Board any Tobacco except in
Hogsheads Casks or Cases stamped as aforesaid every such Master
and Commander shall forfeit and pay four thousand eight hundred
Pounds of Tobacco for every Hogshead Cask or Case of Tobacco