And be it enacted That every Vestryman and Churchwarden shall
on Pain of forfeiting six hundred Pounds of Tobacco take the fol-
lowing Oath before some Vestryman then present before they pro-
ceed to the Nomination or Recommendation of any Inspector or
Inspectors to wit I A B. do swear that I will faithfully honestly and
justly nominate and recommend such Persons to be Inspectors as
I think in my Judgement and Conscience are fit and capable to exe-
cute the Office of Inspector So help me God.
[Oath to be
taken by
and Church
And be it enacted that no Person taking upon himself the Office
of an Inspector shall during his Continuance in that Office or within
one Year next after he shall be out of his said Office be capable of
being elected a Member of the House of Deligates or shall presume
to intermeddle or concern himself with any Election of a Deligate
or Deligates otherwise than by giving his Vote or shall endeavour to
influence any Person or Persons to give his or their Vote or Votes
under the Penalty of eight thousand Pounds of Tobacco for every
Offence neither shall any Inspector during the Time aforesaid be
or undertake to be Collector of his Lordship's Quit Rents or of any
public County or Parish Levies or of any Officers Fees nor shall
directly or indirectly for himself or any other Person during his
Continuance in the said Office buy or receive by Way of Barter
Loan or Exchange any Tobacco whatsoever or suffer or permit any
Tobacco to be bought by any Person or Persons whatsoever with
any Money arising by the Sale of any Goods Ware or Merchandizes
whatsoever by any of the Inspector or Inspectors either upon their
own Accounts or the Accounts of any other Person or Persons what-
soever nor shall any Way intermeddle with or busy him or them-
selves in procuring Tobacco to be sold or consigned to any Mer-
chant or in lading any Ship or Vessel with Tobacco (except the
proper Tobacco of such Inspector or Inspectors) under the Penalty
not to be
capable of
being Mem-
bers of the
House of
or Collec-
tors of Quit
Rents, or
Public or
County Lev-
ies; nor to
receive To-
bacco by
way of
Barter, or
of two hundred and forty Pounds of Tobacco for every Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco and so in Proportion for a greater or less Quan-
tity so Bought or received or procured to be consigned or laden
on Board such Vessel provided always that no thing herein con-
tained shall be construed to hinder any Inspector from receiving his
[But may
receive their
own Debts
or Rents in