Acts. 153
Landing on Wye River. At the Head of Corsica Creek on the Land
of William Hopper at the House commonly called Porters Ware-
house on the Land of William Hackett At the House commonly
called Wells Warehouse on Chester River At the House commonly
Liber R. G.
called Pembertons Warehouse and at Choptank Bridge in Worcester
County in Snow Hill at the Warehouse in the New Port Town At
Broad Creek on the North Side of the wading Place In Frederick
County at George Town.
And be it enacted that all Tobacco that shall after the first Day
of January next be brought to any of the Public Warehouses herein
before mentioned shall be viewed examined and inspected by such
Person or Persons as shall be hereunto appointed who shall be called
Inspectors and nominated and appointed in Manner and Form fol-
lowing that is to say the several and respective Vestrymen and
Churchwardens of every Parish within this Province wherein any
Warehouse shall be erected or established in Virtue of this Act or
the major Part of them shall and may and they are hereby authorized
and required to meet together at their several and respective Parish
Churches between the first and twenty fifth Days of December for
this present Year and afterwards between the first and tenth Days
of September Yearly during the Continuance of this Act and to
nominate and recommend to the Governor or Commander in Chief
of this Province for the Time being two or four able and sufficient
Planters well skilled in Tobacco for each and every Inspection within
their different Parishes as the Case may require for the Execution of
when and
how chosen.]
the Office of Inspectors or Inspector without having Regard to
the Residence of such Person for Inspectors as aforesaid and where
it shall happen that two Warehouses under one and the same In-
spection shall be in different Parishes the Vestrymen and Church-
wardens of each Parish or the major Part of them shall nominate
and recommend as the Case may require one or two able and sufficient
Planter or Planters well skilled in Tobacco for such Inspection.
[If two
under one
inspection be
in several
each Parish
to chuse.]
And be it enacted that every Person to be appointed an Inspector
by Virtue of this Act shall yearly before he enters upon the Execu-
tion of the said Office enter into Bond with good Surety before two
Magistrates of the County wherein the Inspecting House at which
such Inspector shall serve is situate in the Penalty of eighty thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco payable to the Lord Proprietary his Heirs
and Successors with Condition for the true and faithful Performance
to give bond,
with Sure-
ties, for the
due Execu-
tion of their
of his Duty according to the Directions of this Act which same Bond
immediately after the taking thereof shall be lodged by the same
Magistrates with the Clerk of the Court of the County in which
such Inspection shall be and shall be by the same Clerk recorded in
the Records of the same Court and the same Bond shall or may be
sued by and at the Request of any Person Intitled as holder of any
Note or Receipt of such Inspector for the non-Payment or not
p. 199