A sufficient Number of Members to compose a House being con-
vened at the House prepared by Mr. Joshua Frazier for the Use of
the Publick: ORDERED, That Mr. Paca, and Mr. Lloyd, do ac-
quaint his Excellency the Governor therewith. They return, and
acquaint Mr. Speaker they delivered the Message.
Benedict Calvert and John Ridout, Esquires, from the Upper
House, acquaint Mr. Speaker that the Governor requires the At-
tendance of the Members of the Lower House immediately in the
Council Chamber.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and, attended by the Members of the
Lower House, went to the Council Chamber, where his Excellency
made the following Speech, viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
PRESUMING this to be a Season convenient for a longer Session
than the last, I shall recommend to your Consideration sundry
Matters that appear to me necessary and likely to be conducive to the
general Welfare.
In a former Session I recommended joining with our Sister Col-
ony of Virginia in the Erection and Support of a Light House on
Cape Henry, and you seemed convinced of the Necessity and Utility
thereof. It is my Duty now to inform you, that Two Acts of As-
sembly have been passed there, to carry this very important Object
into Execution; Copies of these Acts, and the Proceedings subse-
quent thereto, shall be laid before you.
Permit me to recommend to your Reflections, the extensive Utility
which cannot fail to flow from an Establishment, in this Province,
of a regular Seminary for our Youth, liberally instituted and sup-
ported, and to express my warmest Wishes that it may engage your
peculiar Attention.
The frequent vexatious and expensive Law Suits, concerning the
Boundaries of Land, occasioned by the Variation of the Compass,
have been already severely felt, and unless some Remedy be applied,
must increase; wherefore I hope you will maturely consider the Na-
p. 30